Time For Some Courage!
Years ago we used to sing the hymn, “This is My Father’s World”. We don’t sing that much anymore and, depending on where you are, it doesn’t look too recognizable as our Father’s world. When the wicked govern, the people are going to groan. When the righteous people rule the people rejoice. Obviously, God meant for His people to be in charge of His garden!
Where is the church? It’s like the Boogie man said, “Boo”, and they ran away! We need more courage than this. Now, in Kansas City, the mayor has demanded that churches turn over the list of all the members, attendees, phone numbers and other private information for the purpose of tracking and surveillance. We should be horrified! It looks like the goal is to suppress church attendance.
As one of my friends put it: “I’ve never seen so many people so afraid of dying that they’re afraid of living… and willing to just put their hands up and surrender their rights like they just got caught stealing them.”
This virus is a challenge to our civil rights, our sovereignty and the soul of our Nation. The false and conflicting information is tearing us apart.
Is your church making plans to open up again?
1.) We still have good people who can encourage us and show us how to get the Country back on course again. You can find our latest podcast here.
2.) If you attend a church, ask the pastor, elders or priest when it will open up again. We need to have hope and a plan to reopen. Perhaps the leadership doesn’t have any plan to reopen. They need to have a plan and communicate with the membership. Hopefully, you don’t live in an area where your church is turning in names to the government, but that might be a good conversation. What would your church do?
3.) The Home Front newsletter and podcast continues. Your involvement to fund our ongoing efforts, research and equipment will make a difference. If you want to continue to support us in this effort to promote integrity in government, you can mail your check to this address:
Cynthia Davis
840 Satinwood Place
Crestwood, MO 63126
On our show today, we talk with Calvin Morrow. Calvin is the Executive Director of Christians Uniting For Political Action. His mission is to educate people on our responsibility to our civil order. Listen to the show to get some encouragement for how to get things right again!
Click Here to Listen
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Bill Gnuse
Smart people will probably eventually accept that biological science provides sound reasoning for a strategy to defeat this pandemic.
In 1633 famous astronomer Galileo was convicted of heresy by Pope Urban VIII. Galileo proclaimed that the Earth circled around the sun. The Pope declared that the Earth was the center of the universe and the sun orbited around the Earth. The Pope stated that this was a scriptural fact. Galileo was told to recant this belief or face arrest. 359 years later in 1992 Pope John Paul II officially declared that Galileo was correct.
Hopefully it will not take 359 years to see that biological science is not false. The strategy is to PROTECT people from the spread of this DEADLY virus. Because of SOCIAL DISTANCING, TRACKING and TESTING we have been able to slow down the spread of this TERRIBLE disease.
It is my very sincere wish that no one has to grieve the loss of a family member or loved one because they didn’t believe the science of biology. It is science that will provide a vaccine and treatment to conquer this evil disease. When this happens we will see that no one was trying to take away our right to assemble. Hopefully many will pray for a vaccine very soon so we can feel safe once again.
Phyllis Taylor
Thank God the elders of our church decided enough was enough! We have been back in service for two weeks, since Sunday, May 3. Any one looking for a welcoming congregation.. .. come to Church of Christ, Boonville Mo.
Patrick Finn
This is an Oregonian here. No – our Church is still shut down and the socialist tyrant of Salem has apparently extended our lockdown until July. Our Pastors have been doing online worship and sermons.
Lori Lincoln
Keep up your very important work!! I am thankful for you!!
Phyllis Taylor
Thank God the elders of our church decided enough was enough! We have been back in service for two weeks, since Sunday, May 3. Any one looking for a welcoming congregation.. .. come to Church of Christ, Boonville Mo.
First Baptist Church O’Fallon resumed services on May 10th. 8:00, 9:30, 11:00