What’s A Sex-Ed “Sit Out”?

It’s remarkable what we can accomplish when we band together to help each other. Many parents have tried going to school board meetings, tried to elect more “family-friendly” school board members and tried political activism, but these techniques have rendered little more than temporary placation. Many parents will get a token pat on the back or a lecture on how to get used to it. It’s heartbreaking to watch the sex ed curricula in public schools destroy a child’s conscience, not knowing what we can do.
Schools harm children when they promote sex education that is opposite from good morals and family values. Most sex ed curriculum teaches homosexuality, pornography, promiscuity and “all things deviant” to the most innocent citizens among us. It is a crying shame and we must fight back!
Studies show these programs are doing more harm than good. Watch “The War on Children” at SexEdReport.org to educate yourself.
You can sign the petition that says this here:
We, as concerned parents and community members, are sick of the sexualization of our children! We say NO to graphic, gender-bending, promiscuity-promoting sex education for our kids.
We demand that public schools stop treating our children like guinea pigs in some social engineering experiment. We demand that schools respect parents’ values and parents’ authority.
We will not stand for our tax money being used to promote sexual liberation, deviance, and gender confusion to our precious kids. In protest, we stand together with those parents pulling their children out of public school on April 23rd for the sex ed sit out.
How many parents and students are ready to do something about the way some public schools sexualize the students? We’re about to find out on April 23rd.
There’s a sit out being planned to create some push back against this agenda.
What should the public schools do with sex education?
1.) Get connected to the “Sit Out” details. You can click here and here to learn more about it.
3.) If you have an event where you need a speaker, please let me know. If you want me to come and help your efforts to educate and motivate your network, please click this button here:
4.) The Home Front newsletter and podcast continues. Your involvement to fund our ongoing efforts, research and equipment will make a difference. If you want to continue to support us in this effort, you can mail a check to this address:
Cynthia Davis
824 Bricken Place
Warson Woods, MO 63122
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One Comment
Mrs. Beth Sykora
Today’s modern family seems almost totally unrecognizable to anyone who thinks about what the American family was like even just 30 years ago. Every aspect of life is different. Never would I or my brother be taught that homosexuals were worthy by children of emulating their abbrent sexual behavior! Not everything is a total wash, for instance, Missouri Right to Life helped institute a law basically saying that Planned Parenthood can no longer go into Missouri schools and lie to our kids!