What is Marriage?

The United States Supreme Court effectively is becoming the The Legislative branch ought to be originator and definer of all public policy because our legislators are held accountable to the people to a greater degree than the other two branches. For my readers who have not been able to spend the time to digest all that has transpired, this newsletter will help guide you through the complexities of what just happened to our country.
Two issues came before U. S. Supreme Court:
1.) Should couples practicing deviant behavior and commit to a lifetime of exclusivity with only one other person be allowed to receive the same federal social security, tax deductions, and any other federal financial benefits as married couples if they have have their “partnership” legitimized in the eyes of their states? This ruling effectively strikes down DOMA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_of_Marriage_Act (United States v. Windsor)
Written Opinion: http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/12pdf/12-144_8ok0.pdf
2.) Should California citizens be allowed to defend marriage with their their constitutional amendment by appealing to a higher court? (Hollingsworth vs. Perry) In this case, the US Supreme Court stated that if their own government will not protect them, they do not have standing to protect themselves. It is up to their own governmental defense team to protect the citizens of California. If their own governmental officials betray them, there is no recourse.
Written Opinion: http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/12pdf/12-144_8ok0.pdf
One of the surprises of the majority decision is that it contains emotional words like: “demean” “humiliation” and “degrade”. It seems beneath the honor of the court when it becomes more worried about how people feel than impartial legal jurisprudence. We don’t expect all decisions to go our way, but the judges owe it our citizens to demonstrate impartiality to preserve the integrity of the court.
The opinion uses the words, “demean” “humiliation” and “degrade”. While we cannot deny that many people engaged in deviant behavior may feel these emotions, guilt cannot be erased by laws. Their feelings are coming from their own consciences. Changing public policies cannot take away one’s shame if one is convicted from within. The same is true for the abortion debate. Although the US Supreme Court said it is legal doesn’t take away the feelings of remorse down deep in many women’s souls.
If you care about the impact these US Supreme Court decisions will have on all of us, make sure you listen to the radio show we are doing tonight. We will have legal expert, Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse help us unpack the suitcase we have just been handed. Dr. Crouse is the Senior Research Fellow at the Beverly LaHaye Institute, the think tank for Concerned Women For America. You will also have an opportunity to call in with your questions.
Mail to Cynthia
Home Front Podcast – July 2, 2013
If you want to learn more about the impact these two US Supreme Court decisions will have on you, make sure you listen to the radio show we are doing tonight. We will have legal expert, Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse help us unpack the suitcase we have just been handed. Dr. Crouse is the Senior Research Fellow at the Beverly LaHaye Institute, the think tank for Concerned Women For America.
Join us from 8-9 tonight by going to: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/missourigrassrootsradio/2013/07/03/home-front
Listen on demand at: https://www.cynthiadavis.net/dr-janice-shaw-crouse-on-marriage-and-us-supreme-court-decision/
A Little Bit of Humor…
Judge to Plaintiff: Do you understand that you have sworn to tell the truth?
Plaintiff: I do.
Judge: Do you understand what will happen if you are not truthful?
Plaintiff: Sure. I get everything I want.