The Real Sheriff
A few weeks ago, I met with Washington State Representative Matt Shea and Tim Baldwin (son of Chuck Baldwin) at the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Convention in St. Charles.
You might remember when John McCain was running for president, he told the nation that the other senators call him, “The Sheriff”. Either he was only kidding or the other senators were ignorant of the duties of a sheriff or they would have known the nick name did not apply to him. Tonight we have a show with Sheriff Richard Mack, a man who is more worthy of the title, Sheriff, than most. He took the time to study his oath of office and commit to actually performing the duties required—to preserve protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. For him, as it was for me, public service is not just a job—it’s a calling. Unlike most officeholders, we believe our accountability will be measured at the end of our lives by the Ultimate Judge for every thought, word and deed.
Many of us find it easy to focus on national politics because that’s what is in the news so frequently. However, the local elections, especially for the County Sheriff, may prove to be far more important. If the national government comes up with unconstitutional ideas, they will still need the locals to enforce and enact their rules.
One of my favorite movies is “The Sound of Music”. The Sound of Music was based on a true story, so it provides us with many illustrations that are still meaningful today.
You may remember the scene near the end when the Von Trapp family was hiding in the monastery while the Nazis were searching for them. The boyfriend of one of the girls found them and took a long moment to wrestle with his conscience. He had to decide if he would side with his heart or with the Nazis. He made the wrong decision, but the scene made the point that we all may be called upon to choose where our loyalty rests.
It’s hard to imagine the horror of being forced to flee our homeland to save our lives. Yet, it happened under Nazi rule and in other countries when the police force charged with protecting the innocent end up being corrupt. In times like these, it would be good to know our sheriff will uphold his oath to support and defend the Constitution above all else.
Tonight will be a great opportunity to hear from Sheriff Mack directly on our Home Front Radio Show.
If you have any concerns or questions you want me to discuss with the sheriff, let me know so that your comments can be included in our interview:
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How safe are you? In a true crisis, will your sheriff side with his oath of protecting the Constitution? Join us as we visit with Sheriff Richard Mack,
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A Little Bit of Humor ~