The War On Women
This is a photo of me with Bev Ehlen, head of Concerned Women For America in Missouri. What is the real “war on women”? It’s curious how many women claim they want “equality” or even preference when it comes to legislative involvement for pay, benefits and jobs. Yet, few understand how much women have lost when our culture moves toward sexual permissiveness.
Catherine Hanaway spoke at a conference I attended recently. View her speech here.
Her remarks were spot on, yet several left-leaning media outlets have treated her with hostility and name calling. This just shows how short-sighted, small-minded and cruel people can be when reminded of the importance of having moral standards. Here’s one example: Catherine Hanaway Channels Her Inner Todd Aiken. Let me make it simple for all of us to understand:
Bill Federer – Women and Islam
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In today’s episode, we talk with renowned historian, William J. Federer about the real war on women.
How accurate were Obama’s remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast?
If you want to hear a broad historical perspective of Islam and world aggression, this is the show for you.
God seems to like waiting until the odds seem hopeless and then raises up little nobodies with Faith and courage to do big things. This is our time. It’s now our turn. www.americanminute.com