Protecting Our Children’s Lives
This is a photo of me with Ray Moore, President of Frontline Ministries, Inc. and the Director of the Exodus Mandate Project. I interviewed him this week for our Home Front Show. You will enjoy hearing his perspective on education. Where our culture is today:
1.) Our Nation has become far less Christian, as evidenced in the deterioration of the family. What do all these mass shooters have in common? No father in the home.
2.) Islam, with its anti-Christian agenda, is on the rise. Most of the recent shootings have been either an attack on our military or Christians.
We reap what we sow. When parents model marriage-absence and our public schools teach that anti-Christian religions are good, what else should we expect? Common Core curriculum may sound like a great idea on paper, but it was designed by people who want to disrupt our traditional American way of life. It is accelerating the proliferation of another agenda.