This is a photo of my family in Washington DC at the Silver Diner. A lot of restaurants are learning that people care about the nutritious value of their food as much as the taste. This is an example of a restaurant that has decided to specialize in things like gluten free recipes, grass fed beef and nitrite free bacon. Pictured in front: Daughter in law, Emily; First born Son, John; Last Born Son, Philip; Back row: Daughter, Susanna; me and Bernie. A lot of people like the new Pope, my mother included. Whether one is Catholic or not, he is respected as the leader of a large segment of the world and his words carry weight. The purpose of this newsletter is to study how his words impact our perception of families.
The reason some show disdain for larger families is because of their fear that as taxpayers, they will be forced to subsidize larger families. As governments continue to grow, this anti-family philosophy will eventually cause more harm to those who have larger families. Our words can either be supportive or judgmental; helpful or hurtful.