Gracia Burnham, Former Hostage
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Today we interview Gracia Burnham, a missionary who was held hostage by Muslim terrorists for over a year. You’re going to hear how to understand what’s going on in the world and how to keep your faith no matter what happens next.
Gracia and her husband, Martin, were in the Philippines with New Tribes Missions. They were hostages for over a year before they were rescued. In the attempt to rescue them, they were all shot, Martin’s wound was fatal.
Refugee Resettlement
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Have you ever noticed that a lot of newcomers to America are Muslims? Why are they coming to small towns instead of the big cities? Who is paying for them to be here? And most importantly, will they assimilate? We get into these questions.
On today’s episode of Home Front, we interview Ann Corcoran from Refugee Resettlement Watch. Ann Corcoran is the editor of the Refugee Resettlement Watch and author of a book called Refugee Resettlement and Hijra to America.
The Christian Genocide
This is a photo I took on a recent vacation. The poster was on the front door of a store in Fresno, California. It is heartwarming to know that this store is doing something to observe the 100th year anniversary of one of the greatest human life tragedies ever. We should all be horrified to hear of all the barbaric acts as Muslims behead, burn alive and torture Christians. This type of behavior is called for in their Koran. It should sicken all of us to see this wanton disregard for life. The man holding the position of President of the United States seems more interested in furthering the success of the Muslim extremists than protecting our own citizens being held in overseas prisons.
Bill Federer – Women and Islam
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In today’s episode, we talk with renowned historian, William J. Federer about the real war on women.
How accurate were Obama’s remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast?
If you want to hear a broad historical perspective of Islam and world aggression, this is the show for you.
God seems to like waiting until the odds seem hopeless and then raises up little nobodies with Faith and courage to do big things. This is our time. It’s now our turn. www.americanminute.com
What’s the Best Part about America?
While shopping at the store, I found some great Washington State apples. It reminded me of all the committed people out in Washington State who love liberty and want to promote the principles that made our country great. This week I will be interviewing one of them. We might as well discuss this while we still have the freedom of speech. Islam is not a cultural issue; it’s a political issue. While other religions are focused on God, the devil or idol worship, Islam is the only religion that is also focused on changing our governmental structure. Our Declaration of Independence says, “All men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.” This is why, among other rights, we have freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of the press, which makes it great be an American!
Islam teaches that not all people are equal, and the Muslims will rule the world. so we are faced with a premise that is unworkable. I can’t imagine any relationship that would work when it revolves around one person who cannot be questioned, considers the other one to be inferior and speech is prohibited on certain topics. The underdog might try to coexist, but unnecessary suffering and abuse are embedded into the structure.
Shahram Hadian – Politics and Islam
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Politics and Islam. Shahram Hadian, a former Muslim, discusses the political agenda, Halal meat and insights into congress. Join us to learn little known facts about efforts to change our culture and what we can do about it.
Shahram is the founder of The Truth in Love Project
Bill Federer – Understanding the Muslim Mentality
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On this edition of Home Front we will be talking with Bill Federer about how to understand the Muslim mentality and what is happening to our country. Bill is one of our nation’s most prominent historians and speaks from a vast amount of research. We will discuss the Boston Marathon bombing, the Muslim agenda and how we are losing our religious freedoms.