The Chicken Saga
This was one of our first flocks. Here I am with five of my children gazing at the day old chicks in our garage. Notice the heat lamp, the box they were shipped in, the feeder and the waterer filled with a special hydration blend with extra vitamins. You can learn so many lessons from chicks. A few years ago, my daughter wanted to raise chickens, so she called our city hall and asked if that would be okay. The staff person told her O’Fallon didn’t have any laws against it, so we ordered our first flock.
It was a happy day when we got the call from the O’Fallon Post Office at 6:00 am telling us they had a box for us. We could hear the chicks peeping in the background. They were packed the day after they hatched and had been traveling for two days, so they were happy to find their new home.
The company ships them in lots of 25, so they can keep each other warm. We kept them in our heated garage for the first few weeks. When they got big enough to jump out of the incubator (swimming pool), they enjoyed walking around our garage. We bought the “special assorted bargain”, which means we didn’t find out what kind they were until their adult feathers came in around three to four weeks later. It was fascinating seeing all the different colors and physical features.