Counter Culture
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On our show today, we discuss some ways we can change the culture. Our guest, David Platt, talks to us about how we approach the social issues affecting all of us to make a difference.
David is the author of best selling book, Radical, and is the pastor of a megachurch and is also a missionary. He just came out with another book called Counter Culture.
The Family Project
This was taken at the wedding for our daughter. (Standing) – Our two other daughters, Susanna and Cathryn; my parents, Marylin and Gordon; Bernie and I flank the bride and groom, Amanda and David; next to me are two of our four sons, Matt and Philip. (Sitting Left) Our son, John with his wife and three girls, (Sitting Right) Our son, Ben with his wife and four children. There’s a very special sense of completeness that happens when everyone is together and safely ushered into safe relationships. Our morality is not our own private business. The decisions we make for ourselves affect many others all along the chain. It is impossible to achieve stability without a commitment. Unfortunately, even a commitment is not a guarantee that anything will be permanent, but at least it shows a good faith effort.
The purpose of this publication is to help you make the connection between the break-up of the home and the costs to the taxpayers. Certainly, we can’t oversimplify by pretending the problem will be fixed just by letting people know they should get married and stay married.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
The Davis Ladies wishing you a Happy Valentine’s Day! Cathryn, Susanna, my mom (Marylin), me and Amanda Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to show others how much we love them. As Mr. Rogers used to sing, “There are many ways to say ‘I love you’.” Sometimes those on the Left accuse those on the Right of not being loving because we don’t believe in wealth redistribution. To the contrary, we believe the greatest way to love others is to release them from the snares that hold them in political, spiritual or financial poverty. These snares can only be opened up by friends, families, churches and communities, not governmental programs. Government does not exist to give love or to make up for others who should be showing love to their networks. Government exists to punish evildoers when they step outside the bounds of civil society.
Another way to love people is to share truth with them. In a recent debate, Ken Ham and Bill Nye discussed scientific theories of our origins. We don’t have to hold identical opinions, but we should agree that nobody was there to tell us what actually happened. Science is based upon observation. It is impossible to re-observe an event that only happened once. If we can’t agree on whether God exists, we will continue to run into unresolvable disagreements on our origins. If a person wants to disqualify all evidence pointing to a created order, his personal philosophy will distort the results.