U.S. Supreme Court on Marriage
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In this edition of Home Front, I interview my friend, Darrell Castle. We get into what is happening with the US Supreme Court and what we need to know about the upcoming decisions that will determine the definition of marriage in our country.
We have some answers for you, like “Change your clothes and get back to work!”
As an extra bonus, we delve into some thoughts on the presidential candidates, debates and campaign funding for 2016.
How to Romance Your Better Half
This was taken a few years ago when the Lewis and Clark Pachyderm Club asked me
to be the guest speaker at one of their meetings. Someone realized it was our
anniversary and honored us with a cake.I urge all of you to listen to our podcast this week. You can listen to it any time just by clicking on the box. The country is only as strong as our families, so do your part to make yours better!
Today we get to interview Rick Johnson, author of the book, Romancing Your Better Half.
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I was driving down the road one day and saw a billboard. It said:
Want a better Country? Change your family.
Want a better family? Change yourself.
Today on Home Front we hear from someone who can tell us how to do just that. Rick Johnson just released a new book called, “Romancing Your Better Half“. Whether you care about marriage or not, if you are a taxpayer, you should care! The lack of marriage is something we are all paying for and the taxpayer is getting the shaft from all those elected officials who keep creating programs that only benefit those who reject marriage. You can find more about Rick Johnson here: www.betterdads.net
Who Killed the American Family
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Who Killed the American Family? That’s the title of the book we discuss with author, Phyllis Schlafly on today’s episode. Phyllis invited me into her radio station to delve into the details of what has ruined the peace and serenity of the family for our entire country.
Don’t think you are spared just because you are doing fine. We’ve all been affected in one way or another. If you are a taxpayer or live on the planet with other people, you are affected.
Who’s going to teach the next generation?
This is a picture of me and my husband taken about 32 years ago when we were about 22 years old. We were living in Massachusetts and didn’t have all the “stuff” many others had, but we had a lot of the things money cannot buy and government cannot give you. THEY LIED TO US! Most of you have heard the statistic that about half of all marriages break apart. However, those numbers are wrong.
A few weeks ago, Phyllis Schlafly asked me to join her as a co-host for her nationwide radio program, Eagle Forum Live. Our guest was Shaunti Feldhahn, a well-respected author and public policy analyst, and we talked about marriage.
Shaunti said this: “There is no such thing as a 50 % divorce rate. It’s never been close. Right now 72 percent of people are still married to their first spouse—that’s Census Bureau data.”
Of the 28 percent who are no longer married to their first spouse, a good chunk of those people were married when their spouse died. We behave in accordance with our belief system. (CBN News article: Divorce Shocker Most Marriages Do Make It)
Secrets of a Happy Marriage
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Recently I was invited to join Phyllis Schlafly on her radio show, Eagle Forum Live. We had a lot of fun interviewing Shaunti Feldhahn as we discussed her newest book called, The Good News About Marriage.
We’ve all heard divorce statists that just aren’t true. Our guest, Shaunti Feldhahn comes to inform us of the positive news that the divorce rate is not anywhere near the 50% that is frequently reported. According to our own census numbers more like 72% are still married to their original spouse. Many of those who are no longer married had a happy marriage for decades and their spouse is now passed away. Todays episode will inspire, encourage and contains some of the highlights of that interview we did on Eagle Forum Live.
The Family Project
This was taken at the wedding for our daughter. (Standing) – Our two other daughters, Susanna and Cathryn; my parents, Marylin and Gordon; Bernie and I flank the bride and groom, Amanda and David; next to me are two of our four sons, Matt and Philip. (Sitting Left) Our son, John with his wife and three girls, (Sitting Right) Our son, Ben with his wife and four children. There’s a very special sense of completeness that happens when everyone is together and safely ushered into safe relationships. Our morality is not our own private business. The decisions we make for ourselves affect many others all along the chain. It is impossible to achieve stability without a commitment. Unfortunately, even a commitment is not a guarantee that anything will be permanent, but at least it shows a good faith effort.
The purpose of this publication is to help you make the connection between the break-up of the home and the costs to the taxpayers. Certainly, we can’t oversimplify by pretending the problem will be fixed just by letting people know they should get married and stay married.
The Family Project
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People in America seem more confused today about marriage than ever before in history.
What is a family? On today’s episode of Home Front we discuss some of the most basic human needs, feminism, shacking up, even how prisoners of war are treated. It all comes out in our conversation with one of America’s formost experts on the family.
Today’s guest, Glenn Stanton, author of the book, The Family Project, shares with us how government policies influence personal choices. The Family Project just released last month. Glenn is the director of the Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family and a research fellow at the Institute of Marriage and Family Canada.
Shaunti Feldhahn – Author of “The Good News About Marriage”
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Recently I was invited to join Phyllis Schlafly on her radio show, Eagle Forum Live. We had a lot of fun interviewing Shaunti Feldhahn as we discussed her newest book called, The Good News About Marriage.
We’ve all heard divorce statists that just aren’t true. Our guest, Shaunti Feldhahn, comes to inform us of the positive news that the divorce rate is not anywhere near the 50% that is frequently reported. According to our own census numbers more like 72% are still married to their original spouse. Many of those who are no longer married had a happy marriage for decades and their spouse is now passed away. Todays episode will inspire, encourage and contains some of the highlights of that interview we did on Eagle Forum Live.
Dr. Jennifer Morse on Marriage, Family and Economics
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Join us for a discussion of marriage and children with Dr. Jennifer Morse, head of the Ruth Institute.
Dr. Jennifer Morse is one of the nation’s foremost economists. She is also the Senior Research Fellow in Economics at the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Author of Smart Sex: Finding Life-long Love in a Hook-up World, (2005) and Love and Economics: Why the Laissez-Faire Family Doesn’t Work (2001), recently reissued in paperback, as Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village.
Dr. Morse served as a Research Fellow for Stanford University’s Hoover Institution from 1997-2005. She received her Ph.D. in economics from the University of Rochester in 1980 and spent a postdoctoral year at the University of Chicago during 1979-80. She taught economics at Yale University and George Mason University for 15 years. She was John M. Olin visiting scholar at the Cornell Law School in fall 1993. She is a regular contributor to the National Review Online, National Catholic Register, Town Hall, MercatorNet and To the Source.