Who’s the Baby’s Daddy?
It’s hard to have sympathy for those purposefully attempting to bring a baby into the world with a complete stranger and then complain because the baby looks like her daddy. Ohio Sperm Bank Mixup This story turned out to be the perfect way to give some unwanted publicity to the gamete selling industry. In case you missed the story, two women, living a aberrant lifestyle tried to prove they could bear children and made an offer to purchase genetic material from the same anonymous donor. Due to an error in reading the handwriting, they were sold material from Donor # 330 instead of Donor # 380. The results proved that it’s not a good idea to try to fool mother nature. The mother is now trying to sue the vendor for the hardship she has incurred from the fact that her child has some of her father’s features.
One goal of feminism is to prove the interchangeability of the genders. If women are trying to make a point that there is no difference between men and women, they run into a few difficulties.
The idea that gender is interchangeable fails abruptly when it comes to bringing children into the world. Women cannot reproduce without men and men cannot reproduce without women. That’s a biological fact.
This presents a problem for those who want to normalize perversion. Some want to pretend to be married and exert themselves attempting to mimic a natural family. To make up for the obvious biological roadblock, these people have turned to fertility clinics to buy the missing parts from strangers.