Guns in Schools Larry Pratt Gun Owners of America
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On this show we discuss the differences between the NRA and Gun Owners of America. We help you understand what schools need to do to keep the students safe and what’s the right response to the efforts to disarm our citizens. We also discuss elections.
You’re about to find out why we need to elect attitude!
On this episode we interview Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, Larry Pratt.
Sex-Ed “Sit-Out”
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Today we interview Rhonda Miller. Rhonda is on the front lines with an effort to sit out of school on Monday, April 23rd to get the attention of the educational bureaucrats. She shares what’s happening in our country with a Sex Education Sit Out and why it’s important for us to do something about it.
Parents can sign a petition that says this:
“We, as concerned parents and community members, are sick of the sexualization of our children! We say NO to graphic, gender-bending, promiscuity-promoting sex education for our kids.
We demand that public schools stop treating our children like guinea pigs in some social engineering experiment. We demand that schools respect parents’ values and parents’ authority.
We will not stand for our tax money being used to promote sexual liberation, deviance, and gender confusion to our precious kids. In protest, we stand together with those parents pulling their children out of public school on April 23rd for the sex ed sit out.”
Studies show these programs are doing more harm than good. Watch “The War on Children” at SexEdReport.org to educate yourself.
Pledge of Allegiance
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On our show today, we challenge the premise of mindlessly reciting pledges.
I realize you may have never heard anybody question the pledge, so you’re going to be presented with something to think about.
Our goal is to show you another perspective on a controversial issue.
Wild Bill for America
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On our show today, you will learn how one man can change the Country by using YouTube and you ’ll also gain some ideas for how you can reach out to your community.
Our guest is Bill Finley — AKA Wild Bill. He’s a retired law enforcement officer and he now does YouTube videos at Wild Bill for America. He calls himself America’s leading liberalogist!
Jill Noble – Omnibus or Porkulous Bill?
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The budget is bigger than ever and funds many bad ideas like Planned Parenthood and money for foreign countries and is 1.3 Trillion!
So where do we go from here? We are in a war over which values will win! It is incumbent upon us to fight for what is right! On our show, we’ll talk about how to be trained, equipped and mobilized….and give you some hope as well!
Today we interview Jill Noble. Jill works in public policy through the lens of a biblical worldview; she is a registered lobbyist in the State of Missouri; she serves the State of Missouri as the Director for National Day of Prayer. On top of this, she’s the Kansas City Area Director for Concerned Women for America.
Lisa Pannett – Holding ‘Em Accountable
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We all want to have a great Country. But what are we supposed to do when our elected officials present themselves as caring about our issues when they are candidates and then forget what they said once they get into office? On our show this week, we talk with one of our favorite citizen lobbyists, Lisa Pannett. She shares with us from her vast experience with the legislators in Missouri’s General Assembly.
Few things are as frustrating as working hard to get good people into office, only to have them fall into the soup. If you’re feeling like me, you know we don’t need more lip service! Listen to this show to get inspired and encouraged.
Hook Up Culture – Dr. Jennifer Morse
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The culture has become so off base, we now feel like counter-cultural radicals just for wanting a peaceful family. It’s time to make common sense common again.
On our show today, you’re about to hear from one of America’s experts about the problems created by the sexual revolution and how to fix them. You want to make America great again? Well, it starts with us making the family Great Again.”!
On this episode we interview Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse. Dr. Morse is an economist and the founder of the Ruth Institute, a global organization focused on keeping the family together, protecting the rights of children and helping the millions of people who have been harmed by family breakdown.
The Future of Obamacare Beverly Gossage
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Do you ever wonder what is preventing Obamacare from being repealed, especially since the Republicans have the majority?
People like to speculate on whether Obamacare will go away.
Well, on our show today, we give you some of these answers and more. As an added bonus, you’ll learn about the best alternatives if you want insurance, but don’t want Obamacare—Liberty vs. Samaritan vs Altrua vs Medishare vs Aliera.
On this show, we interview insurance expert, Beverly Gossage. Beverly is the president and founder of HSA Benefits Consulting. She is also a health policy advisor for the entire nation. She is a senior fellow for Independent Women’s Voice, an expert in medical insurance, and comes to us today to share from her experience on the best way to understand medical insurance.
The New Politics of Sex
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Are you confused about gender roles? Join the club! Here all this time, we thought it was about orientation, but it ended up being more about disorientation!
Today we are honored to have Patrick Henry College professor, Stephen Baskerville. Stephen Baskerville is currently the Director of the International Politics & Policy program at Patrick Henry College, is an American scholar of political science, and is a leading authority on divorce, child custody and the family court system. Stephen comes to us today to discuss his newest book, The New Politics of Sex: The Sexual Revolution, Civil Liberties, and the Growth of Governmental Power.
Breaking Cover – Michele Rigby Assad
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Today we have a former CIA agent who just wrote a real-life non-fiction spy memoir. Michele Rigby Assad comes to us today to talk with us about why she joined the CIA and why she left. You will learn about how ordinary people can do extraordinary things when their faith is bigger than their fear.
You can purchase the book at www.BacktobasicsBooks.com and learn more about it at her website: michelerigbyassad.com