• Jeremy Mahurin and Facets of Marijuana Legislation


    Marijuana legalization efforts are sweeping the country.  With the support of Republicans, Democrats and Libertatians, it looks like Missouri may be next. However, some say, “Not so fast.”  There is more we need to know in the debate.

    Today, we interview Pastor Jeremy Mahurin, Founder of Christian Conservatives Taking Action and associate pastor at Living Water Worship Center, to discuss some political realities you may have not considered. There are two sides to every issue, so you will appreciate hearing the other factors you may not have considered.

  • The Census


    Have you ever received an American Community Survey and wondered why?

    What is the definition of tyranny? What happens if you don’t fill it out?

    Today on Home Front, we interview Dr. Scott Bradley who can explain how these surveys match up with the Constitution and what you can do about it.

    * Scott Bradley and his wife Tamara have five children and nine grandchildren (two more arriving shortly).

    * For 16 years Scott served as an administrator at Utah State University as a Department Head and Director.

    * Candidate for the United States Senate in 2006 and 2010, Scott Bradley holds a Bachelor of Science, a Masters of Public Administration, and a PhD in Constitutional Law.

    * He is Founder and Chairman of The Constitution Commemoration Foundation, Inc., an educational organization which fosters increased understanding of the U.S. Constitution and the tradition of the Founding Fathers and also encourages a return to the original intent of proper government as understood and practiced at the time of America’s founding.

    Scott is the author of a book and DVD/CD lecture series titled To Preserve the Nation@ in which he reviews the foundation principles upon which this great nation was established, and which he hopes will foster a renewed dedication to those principles.

    * Learn more about Dr. Bradley at: FreedomsRisingSun.com

  • Montana Shrugged


    In this episode, I interview Eric Olsen, head of Montana Eagle Forum and the head of the Montana Tea Party organization, Montana Shrugged.

    You will learn about Montana, Oil, Eagle Forum and the Tea Party Movement. As an extra bonus, you can find out who is now pushing the convention of the states.

    You can learn more here: www.montanaeagleforum.org and here: www.montanashrugged.com

    Is the Tea Party movement dead? Hardly! Montana shrugged has a membership of 6,100

  • Vaccinations


    In today’s episode of Home Front you will hear some little known dirty secrets about what is inside vaccinations and what is in your elected officials.

    Dr. Mary Ann Block is one of this nation’s leading experts on vaccinations and she is here today to clear away some of the confusion about whether vaccinations are good or bad.

    This show will inform you about vaccinations. Don’t wait until you have a tragedy in your family to find out the amount of risk you are taking.

  • Frank Turek – Explaining Our Worldview


    On our show today, you will hear how to handle some of the hardest questions from an expert apologist, Frank Turek. This discussion will help you learn how to answer the detractors and the naysayers.

    Frank Turek is a former aviator in the U.S. Navy, and has a Masters degree in Public Administration from George Washington University and a doctorate in Apologetics from Southern Evangelical Seminary. Dr. Turek is also the author of the best selling book, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist.

    You can find more about him and his videos at crossexamined.org

    Most recently, Dr. Tureck has written a book called Stealing from God: Why Atheists need God to make their case.

  • Peter Wood


    Take control of the narrative!!

    We don’t have to let the fantasies from the Left define our culture. Listen today to hear about global warming, sexual regrets on campus, the sustainability bologna and how the Left uses anger to manipulate us.

    My guest comes to us from the National Association of Scholars and shares from an anthropological perspective what is really happening to America.

    Welcome to Home Front. Today we get to hear from one of this country’s most respected Anthropologists, Dr. Peter Wood. Dr. Wood joins us today from the center of Manhattan. He is the author of A Bee in the Mouth: Anger in American Now and Diversity and is a regular contributor to the National Review.

    To summarize it, he is an expert on emergent themes in modern American culture.

  • Bill Federer – Women and Islam


    In today’s episode, we talk with renowned historian, William J. Federer about the real war on women.

    How accurate were Obama’s remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast?

    If you want to hear a broad historical perspective of Islam and world aggression, this is the show for you.

    God seems to like waiting until the odds seem hopeless and then raises up little nobodies with Faith and courage to do big things. This is our time. It’s now our turn. www.americanminute.com

  • State of the Union Analysis with Darrell Castle


    Did you watch the state of the union speech? How about the Republican response?

    On this episode, Darrell Castle and I let you know what we thought of it, especially the parts about climate change, Islam , foreign policy, homosexuality, and the economy.

    Join us today to hear the only exclusive politically correct response. We will save you a lot of time and more importantly, a lot of angst!