Feed the Children
This is a photo from when I chaired the Committee on Poverty during the time while I was in the House of Representatives. It was a lot more comfortable when I had my hand on the faucet, able to promote the good ideas and deflect the bad ones. This month marks five years since I was propelled to national fame for promoting the concept that parents should feed their children. Looking back, I wouldn’t have understood the vitriolic nature of those pushing socialism on our country without having gone through this experience. Thousands of small-minded individuals flooded the phone lines, e-mail boxes, voice mail boxes trying to harass and belittle anyone who would criticize their program. Yet, truth is still the mightiest sword of all and the experience proved to be educational. Instead of backing down, I became more convinced than ever that there is something very ungodly about what they are doing to destroy families.
We all understand that children need to have food and water among other things. Parents perform these functions and in most cases this plan works reasonably well. Many baby pictures prove that parents enjoy feeding their children just as much as children enjoy being fed. It becomes a time of bonding, building trust and a time to talk and transmit values.