• A Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage


    Most people may not realize how much the little things are really the big things. On our show today, we talk about a little thing called marriage. Whether you’re married or not, there’s something in here for you to learn as we talk with one of America’s foremost marriage experts, Dr. Greg Smalley. You’ll learn why some people quit leading their families and what it takes to be truly happy.

    You can follow Dr. Greg & Erin Smalley at www.focusonthefamily.com 

    The Smalleys are hosting an event called—the Honoring Marriage 2016 Event—a nationwide initiative led by Focus On The Family this upcoming Valentine’s Day 2016.

    We give a shout out to Missouri Grassroots Radio and Restoration of America Radio for hosting our show.

  • Marriage

    This is a picture of me and my husband taken about 32 years ago when we were about 22 years old.  We were living in Massachusetts and didn't have all the "stuff" many others had, but we had a lot of the things money cannot buy and government cannot give you.
    This is a picture of me and my husband taken about 32 years ago when we were about 22 years old. We were living in Massachusetts and didn’t have all the “stuff” many others had, but we had a lot of the things money cannot buy and government cannot give you.

    THEY LIED TO US! Most of you have heard the statistic that about half of all marriages break apart. However, those numbers are wrong.

    A few weeks ago, Phyllis Schlafly asked me to join her as a co-host for her nationwide radio program, Eagle Forum Live. Our guest was Shaunti Feldhahn, a well-respected author and public policy analyst, and we talked about marriage.

    Shaunti said this: “There is no such thing as a 50 % divorce rate. It’s never been close. Right now 72 percent of people are still married to their first spouse—that’s Census Bureau data.”

    Of the 28 percent who are no longer married to their first spouse, a good chunk of those people were married when their spouse died. We behave in accordance with our belief system. (CBN News article: Divorce Shocker Most Marriages Do Make It)