Can the Republican Party be Saved?
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Most of the Republican members of the House of Representatives have voted against Christian and Conservative values and have been given a free pass because they “voted with the Republican caucus”. Some believe if the elected officials are “On the Trump Train”, they’re okay now. This kind of thinking hinders our ability to scrutinize votes through the lens of the Constitution.
On our show today, we talk with Gary Welch, a former Republican Party strategist and opposition researcher. He shares with us his insights on what it’s going to take to bring the Country back to living within the limits of the Constitution.
Should Women Be in Combat?
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On our show today we interview blogger and theologian, Douglas Wilson, to get his take on what is a conservative, what’s happening to our country and if we should send our women into combat.
The old expression is “Stupidity never works”, so on today’s show we teach you some gems on how our country can learn to not be stupid.
Has our military been reduced to a social experiment? Why doesn’t the Congress declare a war if we are really in one?
You can learn more about Douglas Wilson at his blog, dougwils.com
Expectations Of Your Legislature
In Nashville, Tennessee for the National Religious Broadcasters Convention. Recently, the St. Louis Post Dispatch did an editorial lamenting the diminishing quantity of content available for their news articles now that Brian Nieves, Jane Cunningham and I are leaving public office. It’s amazing that I could be out of office for three years and they still take time to express their gratitude for my contributions as a gold mine for their political reference materials.
We expect our elected officials to be more knowledgeable than most average citizens. However, many of them are not. They are just people like us who were able to win an election. A few of the newsletters I received this week were so philosophically conflicted, I knew these legislators were merely repeating the dictates of their political party instead of actually thinking through their comments.
David Kinnaman – Where Are We Headed Next? (pollster with Barna Group)
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Where are we headed next? Why are our children and grandchildren going off the deep end? Are we, as a society getting better or worse? Today we ask one of the world’s premiere pollsters, David Kinnaman of the Barna Group, where we are going next.
- President of the Barna Group, a private nonpartisan research company in California
- Has supervised interviews with more than 350,000 Americans on faith, politics, and society
- Frequently speaks on cultural change, young adults, leadership, and current trends
- David Kinnaman is the author of two books:UnChristian and You Lost Me
What is a Conservative?
Me with my firstborn son, John Davis when he came back to Missouri for a visit last week. What is a conservative? The word has become so abused, it is nearly beyond recognition. Recently the Conservative Political Action Conference created national news over its identity crisis. With so many political candidates claiming to be “Conservative” on their election materials, they should be sued for false advertising.
A lot of “Tea Party Movement” sympathizers consider themselves to be conservative, yet the future of the Tea Party Movement is in question. Recently two tea party candidates lost their elections and some are wondering what that means.
One of the criticisms of the Conservative Political Action Committee, (CPAC) is that they did not include a pro-life panel or a marriage panel in their latest conference. Many are now wondering how this organization can ignore these two major social issues. CPAC is a collection of those who are considered the best and brightest conservatives in our county. The direction this group goes is a good barometer of our national commitment to conservative values.
John Davis – What it Means to be a Conservative
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Today we have a great show for you with John Davis of the Leadership Institute. John is a credentialed political scientist and philosopher and helps us look at politics from the viewpoint of one who is within the Washington DC culture.
Mr. Davis is one of the chief fund raisers for the Leadership Institute, an organization committed to training conservative candidates so they can win their elections. http://www.leadershipinstitute.org/
Phyllis Schlafly
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Tonight we hear from Phyllis Schlafly, founder of Eagle Forum www.eagleforum.org Phyllis Schlafly has been a national leader of the conservative movement since the publication of her best-selling 1964 book, A Choice Not An Echo. She has been a leader of the pro-family movement since 1972, when she started her national volunteer organization called Eagle Forum. In a ten-year battle, Mrs. Schlafly led the pro-family movement to victory over the principal legislative goal of the radical feminists, called the Equal Rights Amendment. An articulate and successful opponent of the radical feminist movement, she appears in debate on college campuses more frequently than any other conservative.
Veto Session
Is the Democrat Governor More Constitutional than the Republican Legislature?
“Excuse me Mr. Speaker, but did you know the legislators are doing something unconstitutional?” Before a bill becomes law, the governor has an
opportunity to stop or veto it. Before the bill is completely dead, a vote can be taken in each chamber—the House and the Senate. If 2/3rds of the members of each chamber agree, they can override the Governor. This is a valuable check and balance. In the middle of this month, members of the General Assembly reconvened for the purpose of considering whether they would override any of the Governor’s vetoes.The first year I was in the House, the Republican majority overrode a Democrat governor’s veto on three bills. After that year, no other bills were overridden while I was in office. Part of this is because Missouri had a Republican House, Senate and Governor, so everyone was motivated to make the party look good. Now that there is a Democrat governor, the opportunities are greater to showcase their differences, although they are still very few. History of vetoed bills: