Transgendering Children?
This is a picture of us with six of our seven children.
L to R: Ben, Matt, Cathryn, Philip, me, Bernie, Amanda and Susanna.Legislators use magic words when they want a bill to pass: “It’s for the children!”. Yet, what children need most is parents who will guide them in understanding and accepting their identity just as they are made. If children are confused, the adults need to bring them back to reality, not enter into their delusion.
When the parents enable their children to take drugs that will permanently alter their brain development, leave them sterile and shut out the possibility of any return to normalcy, our society should draw the line.
The medical profession is duty-bound to “do no harm”, yet when the professionals use their knowledge to do harm (i.e. terminate lives of those unborn, disabled, elderly or condemn children to a lifetime of impersonation), the doctors have shamed their profession.
Sex Education
When we went to the open house at our local high school, I was shocked to see this posted on lockers in every hallway, above every drinking fountain, in every bathroom, even taped to the back of the stall doors. Somebody went “hog wild” making sure every child and parent saw that there is an opportunity to further confuse children.
Here’s a question for you: If in the eyes of the law, it is illegal for children to be having sex before they are at least 17 years of age, why are we promoting sex in the public schools?
This is a photo of my family in Washington DC at the Silver Diner. A lot of restaurants are learning that people care about the nutritious value of their food as much as the taste. This is an example of a restaurant that has decided to specialize in things like gluten free recipes, grass fed beef and nitrite free bacon. Pictured in front: Daughter in law, Emily; First born Son, John; Last Born Son, Philip; Back row: Daughter, Susanna; me and Bernie. A lot of people like the new Pope, my mother included. Whether one is Catholic or not, he is respected as the leader of a large segment of the world and his words carry weight. The purpose of this newsletter is to study how his words impact our perception of families.
The reason some show disdain for larger families is because of their fear that as taxpayers, they will be forced to subsidize larger families. As governments continue to grow, this anti-family philosophy will eventually cause more harm to those who have larger families. Our words can either be supportive or judgmental; helpful or hurtful.
College By 12
It seems like they’re getting younger all the time.
This is my son at his kindergarten graduation.All of us want our children to succeed. Some people are overachievers and want “Trophy Children”. Doing your best to raise your children with sound principles and moral integrity is the best social security program of all.
The “Back to School” sales are making people think about and prepare for the next school year. While lots of parents and grandparents are taking their children to extracurricular events, the Harding family members are driving their children to college. Kip and Mona Lisa Harding are doing something special. Out of ten children, the first seven have started college by the time they were twelve years old. We will have a conversation with them this week on our show and ask the question, “How do you do it?”
Feed the Children
This is a photo from when I chaired the Committee on Poverty during the time while I was in the House of Representatives. It was a lot more comfortable when I had my hand on the faucet, able to promote the good ideas and deflect the bad ones. This month marks five years since I was propelled to national fame for promoting the concept that parents should feed their children. Looking back, I wouldn’t have understood the vitriolic nature of those pushing socialism on our country without having gone through this experience. Thousands of small-minded individuals flooded the phone lines, e-mail boxes, voice mail boxes trying to harass and belittle anyone who would criticize their program. Yet, truth is still the mightiest sword of all and the experience proved to be educational. Instead of backing down, I became more convinced than ever that there is something very ungodly about what they are doing to destroy families.
We all understand that children need to have food and water among other things. Parents perform these functions and in most cases this plan works reasonably well. Many baby pictures prove that parents enjoy feeding their children just as much as children enjoy being fed. It becomes a time of bonding, building trust and a time to talk and transmit values.