Is Santa Claus Real? With Bill Federer
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On our show today we discuss if Santa Claus is real, how and why people started believing in him and what difference it made. You’ll get to enjoy a conversation with one of America’s foremost historians! Today we interview William J. Federer. He is a nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to researching America’s noble heritage. He does the American Minute and has authored many books including America’s God and County and many more.
Bill Federer and Ann Wagner
On today’s episode, I interview William J Federer, one of America’s most prominent historians. Bill is also a prolific writer and has authored more than 20 books. He ran for congress in St. Louis and even visited my office in Missouri’s Capitol when I was in the legislature.
You can sign up for Bill’s daily e-mail, The American Minute at www.americanminute.com
As a bonus at the end of this episode, I share some remarks made by my representative in the U. S. Congress with my own commentary inserted. We do this to help you hear and think about what is in those sound bites.
Happy New Year!
Pictured from left to right standing: Two of our sons, Matt and Philip, me, Brother, Jeff and then our three Daughters in chronological order, Cathryn, Amanda and Susanna. Seated are my Dad and Mom. The new baby,Joey (seven days old) is the son of Amanda and David (not pictured) —Four Generations! Every year brings with it a new crop of events. We gained three new grandsons this year. That brings the total up to 10 grandchildren for us—five grandsons and five granddaughters. We feel very blessed. However, even as our family circle is enlarging, our country appears to be decreasing in strength, economic stability, respect and moral fiber.
This week I interviewed Bill Federer, author of America’s God and Country and many other books that offer glimpses of the greatness of our heritage. We cannot expect our Country to get better on its own. It takes all of us to be dedicated to doing our part and the Lord’s grace to make things better.
Bill Federer – Women and Islam
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In today’s episode, we talk with renowned historian, William J. Federer about the real war on women.
How accurate were Obama’s remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast?
If you want to hear a broad historical perspective of Islam and world aggression, this is the show for you.
God seems to like waiting until the odds seem hopeless and then raises up little nobodies with Faith and courage to do big things. This is our time. It’s now our turn. www.americanminute.com