Special Analysis for the Voters

It always feels good to be surrounded by family and friends.
This is the first time in the past 20 years my name has not been on the ballot. If you ask my husband, he will tell you it feels pretty good. Like Kenny Rogers sang, “You’ve got to know when to hold ’em…know when to fold ’em…know when to walk away…know when to run….”
Just because I didn’t run doesn’t mean I was not deeply engaged in researching and analyzing the process of learning. Today I share with you some insights you might find helpful.

We were invited to share the platform with Ed Martin to speak at a Tea Party Rally at Lake of the Ozarks. It’s always good to look back and notice that our messages are still the same. Here are two videos someone recorded that day:
Even though Ike and I were both the better choice for those who care about the Constitution, liberty and principled government, the voters chose the candidates who had more money and spent it promoting their ideology. Many of the promises made during a campaign are more reflective of “poll tested” messages rather than how they will actually vote in office.
Mr. Skelton was the head of the Lebanon Tea Party at the time and has some words of wisdom to share with us on our broadcast of Home Front tonight.
Tony Laszacs also hoped to turn things around when we had an open seat come up for our US Senate. He is the man who reminded me that “Our Courage Comes from our Righteousness”. So many times the voters have questioned why they have to choose between the “lesser of two evils”. Yet Tony proved to us that the problem is not a lack of good candidates, but a lack of funding and a vast network from which good candidates can be supported. Even though he gave it a valiant effort, he stands to demonstrate that there are still good candidates who place God and country above self-interest. Tony heads up an organization called the Cornerstone Conservative Coalition.

He gave up a very secure position with the US House of Representatives to run and ended up getting eaten alive for one stray remark he made during an interview. Jeanine Huskey, shown in the center of the photo, is the founder of the Eureka Tea Party. She will be on our show tonight discussing what happens to a state that has open primaries and what is happening to the Tea Party movement. Our show tonight will be live and your opinions are welcome. Jeanine has more recently become an expert on the issue of how states conduct their primary elections. She brings to the table the question of why we have open primaries in Missouri.
The question we all are asking is why it’s so hard for the good candidates to win and so easy for candidates to win if they are willing to sell their souls? We do know that the country will not get better if we leave it alone to self destruct.
Here’s what we do know:
1.) The bad guys are more unified than we are. When our side rallies around one candidate, we will start winning elections. Apparently, the idea of selling the public on “Big Government” is a very short and easy to understand plan. Limiting government seems so much more complicated when so many are begging for more government programs to spare them from their bad choices.
2.) We need to maintain our perspective. It will do no good to win the election and lose the culture. The reason people of poor character win is because some voters do not place the same value on integrity, honesty and morality as we do. When voters start wanting these character values, we will see people win with these qualities.
3.) “Dirty Pool” still works…and seems to work better than taking “The High Ground”. When we find an effective way to connect dots for people and create a pipeline of accurate information, the voters will not be so easily misled.
4.) The worst option is for us to leave them alone to make the country go down at an accelerated pace. Every candidate who ran won. They won experience. They won new friends who share their values. They won a broader perspective. All of this is valuable and goes into the storehouse for next time. Nothing is ever wasted.
What You Can Do:
1.) If you know of a candidate, especially one who lost, take him or her flowers or send a card of encouragement. It’s a rough world out there and we need to support those who resonate with our philosophy. This will do immeasurable good.
2.) Listen to our show tonight at 7:00 p.m. Weigh in if you have a comment or a question. Our talk show, Home Front, has a studio line that will allow you to call in: (347) 677-1835.
3.) If you know someone who needs to be enlightened with this message, share this newsletter. We need to be informed if we are going to make better decisions.
4.) Help us communicate. If you care and want to support our efforts to help further our research to inform others, please consider mailing your check to:
Cynthia Davis, 1008 Highway K, O’Fallon, MO 63366.
Home Front This Week:
Learn from the experts! Tonight we bring you an experienced panel of people who have studied elections for years and can help you process what just happened in many states during the primary process.
Is it true that “Nice Guys Finish Last”? Tonight we offer some analysis of what happened in the last election and discuss how open primaries affect the outcomes in the states that have them.
Our panel includes two former Republican candidates, Ike Skelton and Tony Laszacs, along with Jeanine Huskey, founder of the the Eureka Tea Party. We will ask them to explain what is happening to the conservatives and the Tea Party movement and share some glimpses of where we are heading next.

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Home Front is also part of the Missouri Grassroots Radio lineup of pod-casts and can be heard live most Tuesday evenings at 8:00 pm Central Time, at www.blogtalkradio.com/missourigrassrootsradio
A Little Bit of Humor…