Richard Mack – America’s “Constitutional Sheriff”
How safe are you? How much does your sheriff know about protecting you?
Tonight we have a show with Sheriff Richard Mack, a man who is more worthy of the title, Sheriff, than most. He took the time to study his oath of office and commit to actually performing the duties required—to preserve protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. For him, as it was for me, public service is not just a job—it’s a calling. Unlike most officeholders, we believe our accountability will be measured at the end of our lives by the Ultimate Judge for every thought, word and deed.
Richard Mack first gained national attention when, as then Sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, he initiated, and won, a suit against the federal government charging that provisions of the Brady Bill, which required background checks for handgun purchases, were un-Constitutional.
“Sheriff Mack,” as he is affectionately known, spent eleven years with the police department of Provo, Utah, before moving back to his native Arizona to run for Graham County Sheriff in 1988. While serving as sheriff, he attended the FBI National Academy and graduated in 1992. In 1994, he was named Elected Official of the Year by the Arizona-New Mexico Coalition of Counties. He was also named the National Rifle Association Law Enforcement Officer of the Year for 1994, and was inducted into the NRA Hall of Fame. Richard Mack is the founder and current president of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, an organization dedicated to equipping sheriffs, peace officers and public officials with the necessary information and pubic support to carry out their duties in accordance with their oaths of office.
Mack has also authored several books. His latest book, The Magic of Gun Control, is now available as an audio book.

One Comment
Karen Murray
WOW! What an amazing interview! I love it when Sheriff Mack talked about the reason for running as a constitutional candidate – because not only are we accountable to a Higher Authority for our personal actions in regards to Liberty and the Constitution we have been graciously given by our Heavenly Father, the nation that was raised up to be the Light of Liberty to the world will also be held accountable. America, as a nation, is responsible for upholding God’s Law of Liberty. You either believe that and act upon it with all the means in your power, including running as a candidate, should you feel that burden in your spirit, no matter what, or you become part of the problem. If you can’t run, support those who do. An old saying on a church in England, “Whate’er thou art, act well thy part.” If all you can do is manage a facebook page. Do it! If all you can do is stuff envelopes, do it! If you can write a letter or call your public and elected officials, do it! Everyone can do something! Thank you Cynthia, and Sheriff Mack, for doing what you can!