Speaking at the Tax Day Rally in Jefferson City on April 15, 2013. I am committed to continuing to be a conscience for our state and nation. If you want to hear my entire speech, you can click here:
It seems remarkable that I have been out of office for two years and people still call on me to articulate the message of liberty. I take these opportunities very seriously because our freedom of speech still exists and we must do all we can to move our culture in the right direction. Even if we are only holding a finger in the dike, everything makes a difference. Everyone has something to contribute within our spheres of influence to prevent further decay of our values and the world as we know it.
There is wisdom in many counselors, so this week we pose a question and would appreciate your advice and suggestions for what Missouri needs. Some have suggested I take a run for the State Senate. Others have suggested we can be more effective from outside the political cesspool. About three years ago I ran for senate and came extremely close to beating a deeply entrenched incumbent. Now, due to term limits, that seat will once again be open. On the other hand, running for any office requires a great deal of support including both political and financial backing. Grassroots candidates rarely have the funding necessary to do the voter education necessary to win offices.
Like you, I get fatigued with the letters that sound desperate and make you think the world will end if you don’t send in a donation right now. I hope you appreciated me not begging for money every week like so many others do. However, I am mulling over some of my options for the future and am asking for your opinion. I am going to be closing my bank account and removing an opportunity to recover a very large debt. We can open up another account should we decide to engage in another campaign. My banker has informed me that we have more outstanding obligations left to pay. My husband has been making up the difference, but it would be great if we could end in the black.
I will continue speaking, writing and end in the black regardless of whatever sacrifices are necessary. Yet, if you are moved in your heart to help me in my efforts, I need about $500 to finish paying off our debts for the campaign. We have already closed our official campaign reporting and will be closing our bank account soon. So if you want to help us end in the black, mailing us a donation in the next week will make a huge difference and would be extremely appreciated.
If you want to be part of helping out, you can make the check out to Cynthia Davis and mail to: 1008 Highway K, O’Fallon, MO 63366
Thank you for your loyalty and for sharing your thoughts. I will continue sending my newsletter and doing my talk show because we are still actively shaping public opinion. Yet, it would also be helpful to hear what you envision for the next chapter now being written.
Mail to Cynthia
Do you think your sweet little community is going to always stay that way? Think again. Tonight on Home Front we will be talking with Mark Kiser from Reclaiming Missouri for Christ about the degrading of America and what you can do about it. He will be giving us an update on the first amendment assault and all the public policy implications — coming to a city near you next. |
A Little Bit of Humor…
Six retired Floridians play high stakes poker in the condo clubhouse.
A member of the group, Meiers, loses $5,000 on a single hand, clutches his chest and drops dead at the table.
Showing respect for their fallen comrade, the other five finish playing the hand standing up.
Finkelstein looks around and asks, “So, who’s gonna’ tell his wife?”
They cut the cards, and Goldberg “wins” the duty. They tell him to be discreet, be gentle, not to make a bad situation any worse.
“Discreet? I’m the most discreet person you’ll ever meet. Discretion is my middle name,” he says. Leave it to me.”
Goldberg goes over to the Meiers’ apartment and knocks on the door. Mr. Meiers’ wife answers and asks what he wants.
Goldberg declares, “Your husband just lost $5,000 playing poker, and is afraid to come home.”
“Tell him to drop dead!” says the wife.
“Will do,” he says.