Puerto Rico

I offer my condolences to all the people of Las Vegas. The news cycle has been so dominated by hurricane coverage. Yet, Las Vegas has suffered a greater tragedy in terms of the numbers of those dead and injured. It certainly puts problems into a different perspective.
There is no way our government can function as an insurance policy against everything bad that could possibly happen to us. We desire a government that can protect us and provide for humanitarian relief. However, in reality, sometimes bad things happen.
Instead of indulging those on the left with finger-pointing and blame, let’s focus on what we can do now to pull together in the spirit of American greatness….Not with the tone of asking government for more, but by being better people, willing to step in and fill the gaps left by any sort of disaster.
We should never allow a tragedy to be exploited to promote a leftist or communistic political philosophy. Western Civilization enjoys a level of freedom that comes from self-reliance and personal empowerment.
The U. S. Territory of Puerto Rico has been a good partnership for our Country. My college roommate was from Puerto Rico. She taught me how to make fried bananas and rice boiled in milk. My husband remembers the baseballs from his childhood that were manufactured in Puerto Rico. And who has never seen “West Side Story”?
It’s always tragic when severe weather causes damage anywhere. The benevolent spirit of Americans extends to others regardless of whether it’s our own Country or not. However, the effectiveness and the efficiency can be enhanced or diminished by the local governmental cooperation. The extent of the destruction and the character of the people also have an affect on how quickly an area can rebuild.
Here is what one of my friends said about the situation in Puerto Rico:
“Along with its being an extremely poor island and having sub-par infrastructure, you have an apparent corrupt political establishment and nothing resembling self reliance. On top of that, massive amounts of aid have already arrived and are continuing to arrive but the Teamsters, wanting more money to deliver the aid, aren’t doing their part. Without something resembling self-reliance and people helping each other, any government response can only go so far.”
Here is a photo of the mayor of San Juan begging for more governmental assistance from the United States:
Here’s the comment from a friend: “The mayor of San Juan was wearing a tee shirt with, “help us we are dying”, printed on it. With no electricity, no nothing, where did she get that shirt? Was it lying around? Did it come in an aid package? After all she was standing not too far from supplies sent from the mainland.
Yes, for the left, Puerto Rico is an island. You don’t just drive a truck there. Was the shirt donated to her by a helpful crew member of CNN so that she would have something to wear for her interview with Anderson Cooper?”
The secret to our prosperity is our Christian worldview. That’s the origin of our compassion and our desire to help our neighbors. When people get involved in helping each other instead of waiting for governmental intervention, the cleanup is much quicker and more efficient.
What are your thoughts on the response to this disaster?
1.) Listen to our show today. We talk with Darrell Castle about just wars and what do to with the minor children of illegal aliens. You can hear it by clicking here.
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Over the years, I’ve been to Puerto Rico many times. It is (was) a beautiful island, and will return to it’s natural beauty. However, I have seen first hand the corrupt government there, as well as in the Virgin Islands, which I have visited every winter for the past 38 years. People talk about the corrupt politicians we have in our Federal Government, yet when you see the (14) Senators in the Virgin Islands representing approximately 150,000 residents, who have their children (as young as 12) on their payroll, driving their Government vehicles (Cadillac Escalades, Lexus, Mercedes, etc.), and having outgoing Governors taking $250K from the General Funds as he leaves, you begin to see real government corruption. You must understand, 50% of the population “work” for the government! Now with our Government offering to pay 75% of the rebuild, the Governor is reaching for the sky!! Trust me, our Government will never see the other 25%.
Richard Dunn
You are right on. Every finger pointer and complainer should read Matt 7;12