Mom’s Summit

As many of you know, we shut down our Christian Bookstore and moved out to rural Missouri, where I spend my days taking care of my husband, parents and our last child. It has been a fun journey! In between our escapades, I’ve been writing a book. The title is “When Your Kids Go Whack”. I’ll be happy to share the details when we get it through these last final steps of getting it published.

In the mean time, I accepted the opportunity to share a few nuggets from the book at the Mom’s Summit. This is completely online, so you only need a computer or a cell phone to enjoy it. If you sign up now, you can attend for free. Here is the link to sign up for the Mom’s Summit.

Click on this comment button to let me know what you think!


1.) Pray for us, as we communicate the positive message that there’s hope and as we continue to stand up for what’s right.  We must be brave, strong and clear, even as truth becomes more obscured by darkness.  

2.)  Share this newsletter with everyone you know who is a mom because we all need to help each other.

3.)   Let me know, using the “Comment” button, if you still like getting our newsletter and if you have suggestions for our newsletter or a topic for our podcast.

4.)  If you live in Missouri, go out and vote Tuesday in the primary.  If you have any questions about candidates, ask me to guide you.  

5.)  Sign up for the Mom’s Summit by clicking here.

A Little Bit of Humor……


  • Robert B. Andrews

    Cynthia, Great to hear from youi! Great idea for the seminar and good luck with the book. Not a bit surprised you are still in the battle and still swinging from the heels!.
    Much love to you and your hubby, for whom I have many fond memories!

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