Miracles in American History

My daughter, who is on a left-leaning college campus, asked for my take on all these race riots. I don’t remember a time, nor does she, when things have been worse in our lifetimes. The best part about studying history is that it allows us the perspective we so desperately need to understand how to interpret the events we are watching today.
With all the talk about the rioting and looting and shootings, there are valid reasons to feel pessimistic about the direction we are heading. However, this week we talk with William J. Federer about our reasons for hope. Our Nation is peppered with stories from the past of how previous generations overcame similar situations.
Our biggest battle is with discouragement. It’s hard to keep fighting when it looks like we are always losing. Lots of people are disengaging from anything political. I understand and fight the temptation to feel discouraged myself. It helps me most when I hear stories of how far we’ve come, how long others fought and remember what can be gained if we don’t lose our nerve center or our conscience.
Focusing on our unified vision is the solution! We have far bigger enemies than ourselves. We need each other. The strength of our Nation is our shared values. When leaders in Washington D.C. speak divisively, that hurts all of us. The original patriots kept their eye on the prize and united together to win the prize.
For even more great answers, listen to our show today. It will leave you inspired.
Let me know your thoughts on the race riots and what ideas you have about bringing unity back to our Country by leaving a comment below.
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A Little Bit of Humor

David G. Baugh, 80 Liberty Road, Steelville, MO 65565 573-775-2109
You referred to “our leaders in Washington, D.C.” when they are not our leaders! They are merely our public servants and we are their leaders!
The whole concept of our government is predicated upon that fact of law in each state constitution as well as in the United States Code Annotated.
As former U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Robert Jackson one said, “It is not the function of the government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error” (cite omitted).
In the 1700’s, the battle cry was “NO KING BUT KING JESUS!” (“The Light And The Glory” by Peter Marshall & David Manuel). As Christian Americans, we must return to our Creator/Savior’s “perfect law of liberty” and command our public servants to get back into obedience to His laws and cease rendering them of no effect!
The reason why we are experiencing so much turmoil and other problems in America is because our Creator/Savior is chastising us for our failure and refusal to do that pursuant to Deuteronomy, Chapter 28 just as He said He would do.
Our antichrist Edomite adversaries our Creator/Savior identifies in Revelation 2:9 & 3:9 are prospering upon our iniquity and will continue to do so while infecting our society and government with their Talmudic Phariseeism and red (Edomite) socialism/communism built upon economic fraud and usury. They are the ones responsible for the “Black lives matter” rioting and looting, as well as all the senseless wars and bloodshed!
Dave Heim
I used to work with a black man who said there is really only one issue. All others are secondary to, and revolve around it. That issue is race.
I think he got the number right but the issue wrong. The only real issue is morality. All others revolve around it. Our enemies have infiltrated and undermined the institutions that shape our morality…the schools, the family, the churches and the justice system. This was the philosophy of Antonio Gramsci, and Italian communist. We see it’s effectiveness every day on the news and in our daily lives, much to our dismay. Samuel Adams said “Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.” It would appear that our enemies have read the writings of the founders more than our own people.
Race is just a tool to be used in the furtherance of the agenda, and the agenda trumps everything. The current riots across the country fit into the agenda quite well. Note that when a black man speaks as a conservative he will be branded with every derogatory and racist name possible because he opposes the agenda. In the very same way, Donald Trump is being castigated by fellow Republicans exactly like Goldwater was in 1964. A closer look at those republicans reveals they are followers of the agenda, whether openly or under the guise of deceit, and as such, none are fit to hold office.
They say you can tell how well you’re doing your job by the enemies you make. Though Donald Trump was not my first choice, that logic suggests he’s doing exactly what needs to be done. Whether he carries it out if elected remains to be seen.
Dan J
Great post. Well thought out. Wish I could be optimistic, but I see 2 America’s–a moral one of integrity, opportunity, freedom, and the other one of tyranny, coercion, selfishness.
Dan J
Just an odd thought: cities–with their manufacturing opportunities–led to an exodus from farms in the early 1900s, and were a place where Immigrants, minorities, those with minimal English, and those with minimal education or skills, could find employment, achieve middle class status, become part of the American fabric. But manufacturing left, leaving an expensive infrastructure and deterioration. The advent of the welfare society meant not only were people now on the “gov’t plantation,” but accustomed to being supported. I don’t know where all this goes or ends, but seems like we’ve painted ourselves in a corner. The Founding Fathers didn’t envision a coercive gov’t existing for favored demographics. We’re in a scary place.