It’s For The Children
Fall is especially fun for our family because we celebrate our wedding anniversary and the births of three children.
Some of my Libertarian friends ask why marriage should be noticed by government. From all external appearances, we look like one of the most selfish generations in the history of America. People are divorcing, using drugs, drinking and refusing to work for their own personal happiness. Substance abuse is a factor in 70% of all domestic violence cases. As the social indicators continue marking the decline of families, it is becoming more obvious that the more self centered we become, the less we invest in our families, churches, neighborhoods and communities.
Fortunately, there is a right way to correct these issues. We owe it to our future to understand the underlying issues surrounding the recent push for perversion, the importance of marriage and the problems created by promiscuity. We don’t just stop with identifying the problems, we are all about answering them with the solution.
Many people shy away from recent decisions to make marital benefits available to those who practice perversion. Even those who hold to the Biblical standard of morality are now demonstrating their confusion over the public purpose of marriage. As we are watching the courts, media and political correctness infuse a level of shame on those who hold to traditional values, there is an unspoken push to not only redefine marriage, but also redefine parenthood.
Moms and dads are not interchangeable. Government has a duty to protect the innocent, especially the relationship between law abiding parents and children. We must be vigilant to protect this bond and stop trends of gender-neutrality whenever we see it happening because, ultimately, it will destroy the definition of marriage and the family. Parenthood is a pre-political natural reality. The greatest gift we can give all children is stability. For their sakes, we owe it to them to fight to protect the bedrock of our society.
If you are want to hear more about this, please listen to our broadcast with Dr. Jennifer Morse. The link is below.
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A Little Bit of Humor ~
John was a firm believer of ‘the more the merrier’. After only 10 years of marriage, he already had 8 kids. When John was forced to move because of his job, he was having a very hard time finding an apartment where the landlord would be willing to rent to such a big family.
Finally after being turned down one time too many John had an idea. “Listen hear Sally” said John to his wife, “go with the six little kids to the cemetery while I go see this apartment.”
Later that day while checking out an apartment, the landlord asked, “How many children do you have?” “I have 8 children,” John truthfully replied, “but 6 of them are with their Mother in the cemetery.”