Happy New Year!

Every year brings with it a new crop of events. We gained three new grandsons this year. That brings the total up to 10 grandchildren for us—five grandsons and five granddaughters. We feel very blessed. However, even as our family circle is enlarging, our country appears to be decreasing in strength, economic stability, respect and moral fiber.
This week I interviewed Bill Federer, author of America’s God and Country and many other books that offer glimpses of the greatness of our heritage. We cannot expect our Country to get better on its own. It takes all of us to be dedicated to doing our part and the Lord’s grace to make things better.
The first question we all are wondering about is has there ever been a time when we were lower? Maybe not, but history is riddled with surprises.
We have a major election coming up this year. Every election cycle also has a new list of people who are ready to make a difference and offer us reasons for optimism. Here are two questions:
1.) Our State Representative, Ron Hicks, just announced he is not running again. This creates a new opportunity for a good candidate to run. If you live in the O’Fallon area and may be interested, please click my comment button or contact me.
2.) Every year many people ask me what I am going to run for next. If you have an opinion on whether you want to see me in office or what office you would like to see me pursue, please share your thoughts with me by replying with our “Comment” Button.

May your next year be as joyous as ours!
1.) Listen to our podcast this week. It’s short enough for you to enjoy, but you will find it helpful. I interview William J. Federer, one of America’s most prominent historians. Bill is also a prolific writer and has authored more than 20 books. He ran for Congress in St. Louis and even visited my office in Missouri’s Capitol when I was in the State Legislature. You can sign up for Bill’s daily e-mail, “The American Minute”, by going to www.americanminute.com
2.) Click the “Comment Button” to let me know if you think I should run for any office or just continue being a conscience for others who are in office.
3.) I am thankful for each one of you. Because of your support, our newsletter and podcast is helping to educate others. If you find this helpful, consider sending a donation to keep us going. Because we do not have any other funding stream, your donation will be extremely helpful in our efforts to communicate. Many people do not realize we are a volunteer entity and rely on their help and God’s leading to continue. If you would like to help, please mail a check to:
Cynthia Davis
1008 Highway K
O’Fallon, Missouri 63366
Thank you for your consideration!

This Week On Home Front:
Listen to This Episode of Home Front Now
Home Front is also part of the Missouri Grassroots Radio lineup
A Little Bit of Humor