Government Canceling Church

Are you depressed with this shut down? When is it enough? What has happened to us?
I never thought I’d see the day when we would cancel church so easily. In some states there are police officers taking down license plate numbers if they see cars at a church. In other states, they’re trying to fine people. Yet, they are still allowing people to shop at Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart, Target, Costco and grocery stores.
Where are all the people who used to scream, “Separation of Church and State!”
The First Amendment to the Constitution says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
When our government dictates whether a church can meet or not, we have lost and understanding of the proper role of government.
We have to live counter-culturally! We are at a pivotal point, so let’s not give it up!
What are you doing to keep yourself normal?
1.) Speak the truth in love. We can change the world, one person at a time. Listen to our show to prevent this virus from ruining your life. You can find our latest podcast here.
2.) The Home Front newsletter and podcast continues. Your involvement to fund our ongoing efforts, research and equipment will make a difference. If you want to continue to support us in this effort to promote integrity in government, you can mail your check to this address:
Cynthia Davis
840 Satinwood Place
Crestwood, MO 63126
On our show today, we interview Shahram Hadian, Founder of the Truth in Love Project. Shahram encourages us to look at where we are and challenge the culture. Listen to our show to learn how you can fight back.
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Still Working out some Glitches from the Sunday Morning Drive In Baptisms!

George Thompson
Seems like every Church down here in Jefferson County was either closed or showing a service on television or on the internet on the most important day of the year for we who claim to be Christians. Have we become like the first Christians who were forced to hide in the Catacombs in order to not be involuntarily martyred by a powerful government? Hoping the answer is “No!, we are freeborn Americans endowed by our Creator with the unalienable rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”, I searched the internet for any church in the St. Louis metro area within a 30 minute drive daring to hold an Easter sunrise service as I wished to join one to show I stand with God, and not some temporary earthly ruler. Finding none, I held my own. So on Easter morning, my dog and I sat quietly on the front porch, and just as the Sun began to light up the sky, I recited the “Our Father” and read Luke 24:1-49 aloud. I felt God was with us since even my dog remained quiet and contemplative. True, my lone attempt did not violate Governor Parson’s edicts as nobody knows what I did (just as The Father prefers), and because the dog and I formed a group less than 10 who living in the same household are exempt from the social distancing mandate. I do believe that unless Governor Parson gets off his high horse and seeks ways to put Missourians back to work we could be facing times as hard as those then living in the depression era south faced.
Bill Gnuse
With all due respect, this is not a first amendment rights issue. I am not a fan of big government but I applaud the monumental efforts that our leaders are making to save lives. Without availability of important TESTING resources the only proven weapon we currently have against this pandemic is SOCIAL DISTANCING. If people sit shoulder to shoulder in church pews why should we care? They only risk spreading the virus to each other. No, they have the capacity to potentially spread the virus exponentially to others beyond the church doors. Stores like Home Depot, Wal-Mart,Target etc. have laid out markers at six foot intervals. They only allow a restricted number of people per square foot of floor space. This supports social distancing. Count me as an advocate for separation of Church & State. Also count me as someone who does not want to be infected by an asymptomatic Covid-19 virus carrier. Hydroxychloroquine is a malaria drug. It is NO silver bullet for Covid-19.
Bill Gnuse
Regarding, “Getting people back to work”. We want this pandemic to end. Without available TESTING resources, getting back to work too soon invites a SECOND WAVE of Covid-19. This would be devastating. It would cause the disaster to flare up once again. There are several companies working on testing resources. Some measuring antibodies and some genetic testing. Getting sufficient quantities to hospitals and testing sites remains a challenge.
Arthur LeBeau
I agree with George Thompson completely and have posted in Citizens of Franklin County. Yes it can be scary but if we believe and trust in our Lord Jesus we should have gone to church on Easter Sunday. I do not believe Jesus would allow us followers & believers become infected. It is time we as Christians start standing for Jesus. And yes the lst Amendment protects us from Gov’t. File a lawsuit against anyone who takes our church going rights away.
Bill Gnuse
With all due respect to Mr. Lebeau. There have been 618,893 cases and 26,334 deaths in the United States from Covid-19. Of those who died I have to believe that many were followers and believers. There are Christians who show their faith by handling venomous snakes. They don’t risk the lives of others outside of the church. Those who ignore social distancing have the potential to spread the deadly virus far away from the church building without getting sick themselves. They are known as Asymptomatic virus carriers. I am one who believes in celebration of the risen lord without being inside of a physical building.