Feed My Peeps

I just love it when the private sector proves that it is better, less expensive and is more compassionate than government. When we look at many of the government programs that are a waste of taxpayer dollars, it should make all of us shake our heads. Too often the only beneficiaries are the bureaucrats who get job security out of it.
Here is an excerpt from a letter I received recently from a friend and expert on poverty, Star Parker:
“After $22,000,000,000,000 thrown at the poor, we have barely moved the needle since 1965. Who benefits? In his typical fashion, he tries to bait and switch this on partisan lines, but the truth is that government anti-poverty programs are statist and socialist. Only socialist politicians benefit.
With our freedom at stake, people need to hear the truth about welfare — government-sponsored poverty.
We cannot stay silent while our free-market solutions — that are proven to lift people out of poverty — are destroyed by our President and his poverty activists.
We cannot stay silent when our very freedom is at stake by the regulation and taxation of everything in our lives.
I will not submit. I know you won’t either.
We need a real cure for poverty. We need a cure that provides for a free-market solution that upholds human dignity and provides choice and opportunity.
That is how we address poverty, rather than sitting at a posh college in a posh city, opining about some abstract problem most in Washington know nothing about.”
We can do better than this. Many of us are proving every day that we are better than this. My friend, Jacki Dirksmeyer, a former culinary instructor, having served in the catering business, knows just how much good food is going into the trash every day! One day she decided she would get involved and find a way to convert that food from utter waste into an utter blessing for some families who could really use it.
Feed My Peeps is a live example of how the free markets are so much better than government.
In 1978, the year I graduated from High School, renowned economist, Milton Friedman, addressed students at Stanford University on the topic of poverty. Here is what he said:
“First of all, the government doesn’t have any responsibility for the poor. You and I have responsibility. People have responsibility.
“Second, the question is how can we as people exercise our responsibility toward our fellow man most effectively. So far as poverty is concerned, there has never in history been a more effective machine for eliminating poverty than the free enterprise system and the free market.”
~Milton Friedman at Stanford University in 1978

1. We all can do something. We can show the welfare department that we can do more and do it better. If you have a desire to help with Feed My Peeps, you can contact Jacki Dirksmeyer at feedmypeeps.org
2. We send a big thank you to all the kind people who have donated to make it possible for us to produce our newsletter and podcast. Because we do not have any other funding stream, your donation will be extremely helpful in our efforts to communicate. Many people do not realize we are a volunteer entity and rely on their help and God’s leading to continue. If you would like to help, please send a check to:
Cynthia Davis
1008 Highway K
O’Fallon, Missouri 63366
Thank you for standing with me on holding the standards high!
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A Little Bit of Humor…
Oh, good. The cat is finally charged.