End of Year Wrap Up

There are lots of reasons to like Christmas. For those who are politically astute, Christmas provides an opportunity for us to refocus on what is really important, faith, family and showing love. The special moments that strengthen our interpersonal relationships might even obscure the miseries of the horrible weather outside.
Yet, about 100 years ago when the rest of the nation was enjoying their beautiful Christmas celebrations with horse drawn carriages and candles lighting their real Christmas trees, our Congress was proposing some of the worst legislation in the history of our nation. Our country was far more Left-leaning than it is today. The Socialist Party garnered 6% of the presidential vote. A member of the Socialist Party held an office in Congress, and the Democrat Party had the majority in both chambers of Congress and in the White House.
Some of you might say, “Yes, but we have a socialist majority now in the Congress as well as in the White House. They just avoid the title of the Socialist Party.” Yet, people have more options in how they become informed. The Internet has made it easier to find truth today. There are some bright spots in the middle of the darkness.
This week on our interview with Darrell Castle, he shares with us that one bright spot which happened when the country decided not to start an additional war with another middle eastern country.
In addition, I am grateful that you are still reading my newsletter and that many of you responded to my survey.
I am encouraged and emboldened by you!
What can you do to make a difference?
1.) Listen to our pod-cast tonight when we interview Darrell Castle about the condition of our nation.
2.) Consider sending a donation to keep my newsletter and the pod-cast going. We have some expenses involved in communication. You can send a check to: Cynthia Davis, 1008 Highway K, O’Fallon, MO 63366.
3.) Forward this to any of your friends who care about constitutional issues and ask them to subscribe to our newsletter. We all benefit by being informed.
Home Front This Week:
Want a quick and easy overview of what happened last year? Ready for some predictions for 2014? Fasten your seat belts and listen to our talk with Darrell Castle. We are going to offer you some quality, in-depth interpretation of the major news stories of last year and show how they will impact what we will see in 2014.
Time to right the ship is running short, but Darrell and Cynthia will offer helpful suggestions on what we can do to make a difference in the future of our country and in your own communities.
Home Front is also part of the Missouri Grassroots Radio lineup of pod-casts and can be heard live most Tuesday evenings at 8:00 pm Central Time, at www.blogtalkradio.com/missourigrassrootsradio
A Little Bit of Humor…