Courage for the Unknown Season

This is a picture of me with our new staff at our new location for Back To Basics Christian Bookstore in the Mid Rivers Mall.  From L to R:  Michael, my parents, Gordon and Marylin, Cathryn, Matthew, Me and husband, Bernie.  I would never have guessed a few months ago that we would be opening up another store in the Mid Rivers Mall!


If you had told me last year all the events of this year, it would have been hard to believe!   It’s always surprising to see all the family changes from year to year.  Last week was the first time in decades I didn’t host Thanksgiving.  We moved the family, shut down the store, opened a new store, buried my brother and I turned a year older.  The only predictability is that things are always changing!

In a sense, we can say that all times are uncertain.  Our response to uncertainty shows our courage, or lack thereof.  It always shocks me when people are shocked.  There are advantages to being a pessimist!  We seem to survive our problems better because we not only expect them, we thought they’d be worse!

Every year candidates win or lose elections, babies are born, people die, get married, change jobs, move, find God, make new friends or get new cars.  The list goes on, yet one constant is that we are always learning and growing.  A funeral I attended this week was very helpful as I learned about how grace changed the life of the person we were honoring.  It’s not about the unknown season.  It’s about how we face it.

On our show today, we interview Jan Silvious, author of the book, Courage for the Unknown Season, as she shares her reasons for hope during confusing times.

What events taking place this year have surprised you?  How do you calm yourself?

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1.)  Listen to our show today.  It will help you get a new perspective.  You can hear it by clicking here.

2.)  If you have an event where you need a speaker, please let me know.  I am dedicating my energy on the places where I can make the greatest difference.   If you want me to come and help your efforts to educate and motivate your network, please click this button here:  

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3.)  The Home Front newsletter and podcast continues.   Your involvement to fund our ongoing efforts, research and equipment makes a difference.  If you want to continue to support us in this effort, you can mail a check to this address:

Cynthia Davis
824 Bricken Place
Warson Woods, MO 63122


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One Comment

  • Dave Heim

    Donald Trump was not my first pick in the 2016 primaries, but in retrospect, I don’t think any of the others could have kicked the hornet’s nest like he has. It is just what was needed, and it needs to continue.
    The allegations against Roy Moore were a surprise. Were I in Alabama, I would still support him. It is a disgrace that a 38 year old accusation with nothing to corroborate it can just be tossed out there for the media to run with for the purpose of destroying a man’s reputation and try to throw an election. This tactic by the Democrats (communists) is not unprecedented. But all of the dirt being thrown is exposing the establishment Republicans as well as the Democrats, for what they are, and I sincerely hope people everywhere are taking note. The mid terms will be VERY interesting and critically important. President Trump and all who stand by the Constitution have an opportunity to throw over the apple cart like never before. If they do not take advantage of it, it may not come again.

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