Bill Federer on Agenda 21
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Cynthia Davis speaks with Bill Federer about the origins of the United Nations, Agenda 21, freedom of speech, where we came from and where we are headed.
A Once Great Nation – Doug Edelman
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Tonight we will visit with Doug Edelman, author of the book, Reclaiming a Once Great Nation.
E Ray Moore on Anti-Christian Indoctrination in Public Schools
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E. Ray Moore is the President of Frontline Ministries and executive producer of the award winning film, “IndoctriNation.” Mr. Moore addresses the anti-Christian indoctrination that is prevalent in government schools and why parents should be seeking educational alternatives for their children.
Constitutional Expert Lloyd Sloan
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Tonight we will be talking with our constitutional expert, Lloyd Sloan about Madisons Lost amendment, common core curriculum and new gun laws being passed in nearby states.
Mark Kiser of Reclaiming Missouri for Christ on First Amendment Issues
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Do you think your sweet little community is going to always stay that way? Think again. Tonight on Home Front we will be talking with Mark Kiser from Reclaiming Missouri for Christ about the degrading of America and what you can do about it. He will be giving us an update on the first amendment assault and all the public policy implications — coming to a city near you next.
Bill Federer – Understanding the Muslim Mentality
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On this edition of Home Front we will be talking with Bill Federer about how to understand the Muslim mentality and what is happening to our country. Bill is one of our nation’s most prominent historians and speaks from a vast amount of research. We will discuss the Boston Marathon bombing, the Muslim agenda and how we are losing our religious freedoms.
Earl Williamson – Executive Director Missouri Fair Tax
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Tonight on Home Front we will be talking with Earl Williamson, Executive Director of Missouri Fair Tax. Call in with your questions.
Joe Dixon – Target of Missouri Milk Board Raid
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Home Front with Rep. Cynthia Davis on Missouri Grassroots Radio. As a writer, speaker and former state legislator, Cynthia Davis shapes the public debates back toward integrity, honor and the ultimate weapon for limiting government—strengthening families.
Tonight on Home Front, we will be talking with Joe Dixon, owner of Morningland Dairy. Their farm was raided by the Missouri Milk Board and about 15 tons of cheese was destroyed by the order of the Missouri Milk Board.
Scott Lively – Destruction of Families in America
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Home Front with Rep. Cynthia Davis on Missouri Grassroots Radio. As a writer, speaker and former state legislator, Cynthia Davis shapes the public debates back toward integrity, honor and the ultimate weapon for limiting government—strengthening families.
This week we will talk with Scott Lively about what is happening to destroy families in America.
Global Warming and the Environment with Dr.Calvin Beisner
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Home Front with Rep. Cynthia Davis on Missouri Grassroots Radio. As a writer, speaker and former state legislator, Cynthia Davis shapes the public debates back toward integrity, honor and the ultimate weapon for limiting government—strengthening families.
This week our guest is Dr. Calvin Beisner from Cornwall Alliance We will discuss environmentalism, global warming and the impact the population is making on our planet with an emphasis on the proper governmental response.