
  • Richard Mack – America’s “Constitutional Sheriff”

    How safe are you? How much does your sheriff know about protecting you?

    Tonight we have a show with Sheriff Richard Mack, a man who is more worthy of the title, Sheriff, than most. He took the time to study his oath of office and commit to actually performing the duties required—to preserve protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.  For him, as it was for me, public service is not just a job—it’s a calling.  Unlike most officeholders, we believe our accountability will be measured at the end of our lives by the Ultimate Judge for every thought, word and deed.

    Richard Mack first gained national attention when, as then Sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, he initiated, and won, a suit against the federal government charging that provisions of the Brady Bill, which required background checks for handgun purchases, were un-Constitutional.

    “Sheriff Mack,” as he is affectionately known, spent eleven years with the police department of Provo, Utah, before moving back to his native Arizona to run for Graham County Sheriff in 1988. While serving as sheriff, he attended the FBI National Academy and graduated in 1992. In 1994, he was named Elected Official of the Year by the Arizona-New Mexico Coalition of Counties. He was also named the National Rifle Association Law Enforcement Officer of the Year for 1994, and was inducted into the NRA Hall of Fame. Richard Mack is the founder and current president of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, an organization dedicated to equipping sheriffs, peace officers and public officials with the necessary information and pubic support to carry out their duties in accordance with their oaths of office.

    Mack has also authored several books. His latest book, The Magic of Gun Control, is now available as an audio book.

  • Shahram Hadian Addresses Cultural Trends that Threaten America


    Join us for an amazing show about how to restore our Constitutional Republic.  Our guest, Shahram Hadian will help us understand the Truth in Love project.  http://www.tilproject.com/

    Shahram came to the United States when he was eight years old and offers us his perspective on what makes America great and how to protect ourselves from the onslaught of emerging cultural trends threatening our nation.

  • State Legislation – With Missouri State Representative Kurt Bahr


    Are there shennanigans in the State?  Join us for a fascinating discussion of the innerworkings of the 2013 legislative session  with Missouri State Representative Kurt Bahr.  This was the first year Missouri had a session with a Super-majority of Republicans in both the House and Senate.  Rep. Bahr will offer some analysis and thoughts on what to expect for the upcoming veto session.

  • Elections – With Guest Mitch Hubbard


    Why does it seem so easy for bad candidates to win elections and so easy for good candidates to lose?  Be enlightened by listening to this episode where we are having a great discussion about election laws.

    Mitch Hubbard ran as a candidate against former Secretary of State in Missouri, Robin Carnihan.  He comes to us to share some of his experiences and wisdom on election dynamics.

    If we lose control of the election process, we will never get it back to correct it again.

  • Interview with John F McManus – President of the John Birch Society


    Learn what is happening to our country and world from the President of the John Birch Society, John McManus.

    John F. McManus was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1935. At graduation from Holy Cross College in Worcester, Massachusetts, he received a bachelor’s degree in physics and a commission in the United States Marine Corps. After serving three years of active duty, he entered the field of electronics engineering, where he won an award from the U.S. Air Force for designing a component used in fighter aircraft.

    Jack left the engineering field in 1966 to accept a full-time position with the John Birch Society. Working closely with Founder Robert Welch for many years, he was named the Society’s Public Relations Director and its official spokesman. In 1991, he was appointed President.

    The author of several books and numerous articles, Jack has represented the John Birch Society in hundreds of media appearances, spoken from JBS platforms in all 50 states, and written and produced several JBS films and videos. With his wife, Mary, Jack resides in Wakefield, Massachusetts.

    John mentioned the John Birch Society’s “Freedom Index” which reports the Constitutional rating of the members of Congress. You can find that resource here http://www.thenewamerican.com/freedomindex/ Check out your Congressman’s rating, then share this resource with your friends.

  • Guest Genevieve Wood Talks About Illegal Immigration


    Join us for an episode from the epicenter of the immigration debate in Washington D.C.

    Genevieve Wood is the Vice President of Heritage Foundation where she develops and executes strategies to promote The Heritage Foundation’s policy solutions for advancing free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom and traditional American values.

  • Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse on Marriage and US Supreme Court Decision


    If you care about marriage and want to learn more about the impact the recent US Supreme Court will have on you, make sure you listen to the radio show we are doing tonight.  In this episode Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse help us unpack the suitcase we have just been handed. Dr. Crouse is the Senior Fellow at the Beverly LaHaye Institute, the think tank for Concerned Women For America.

  • Preserving State and National Sovereignty – Mark Lerner


    Cynthia Davis talks with Mark Lerner from The Constitutional Alliance.  The Constitutional Alliance is a coalition of individuals and groups committed to preserving state and national sovereignty, the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and property as pronounced in the Declaration of Independence and protected under the Bill of Rights.