Illegal Immigration
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Tonight I share with you a talk I gave a few weeks ago. We were at the Fall Meeting of the Constitution Party in Denver Colorado and my talk was on Illegal Immigration. With the looming amnesty battle raging in Washington DC, it’s time for us to think about what we are doing and ask what is fair, proper and right for America—not the lobbyists in America—not the Political Parties in America—but what will best serve our country as a whole.
We owe it to ourselves and our posterity to live within the rules and to find more intelligent and principled ways of governing.
I hope you enjoy hearing our show.
Shahram Hadian – Politics and Islam
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Politics and Islam. Shahram Hadian, a former Muslim, discusses the political agenda, Halal meat and insights into congress. Join us to learn little known facts about efforts to change our culture and what we can do about it.
Shahram is the founder of The Truth in Love Project
Aaron Brummitt: Arrested for Street Preaching – Does the First Amendment Still Apply?
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We hear about deplorable abuses in other countries where they don’t have constitutional protections, but what attacks on our first amendment are happening here? We expect our government to protect the innocent and punish the guilty? What happens when our government starts arresting the good guys?
Join us for this episode as we talk with Aaron Brummitt, pastor of a church in Springfield Missouri. He was arrested for street preaching. (see KSPR TV news story)
Springfield is in the heart of the “Bible Belt” of our country. If it could happen here, it can happen anywhere. (read the story at ChristianNews.net)
Chuck Baldwin
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In today’s episode, we talk with Chuck Baldwin. This is your chance to hear some little known details about his campaigns. We catch up with Chuck to find out what he has done since then.“Chuck” Baldwin (born May 3, 1952) is the founder-pastor of Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola,Florida. And is now the pastor of Liberty Fellowship in Montana. He was the presidential nominee of the Constitution Party for the 2008 U.S. presidential election and ran for U.S. vice president in 2004. He hosts a daily one-hour radio program, Chuck Baldwin Live, and writes an editorial column for News with Views.
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Is it the “Affordable HealthCare and Patient Protection Act? It appears to really be the Unaffordable Lack-of-Care and Patient Victimization Act. Join us to hear Vince Blair discuss the way obamacare is affecting the insurance industry and what to expect next. Vince is the head of the Vincent K Blair Insurance Agency specializing in health insurance for several decades. http://www.vincentkblair.com/
Dr. Jennifer Morse on Marriage, Family and Economics
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Join us for a discussion of marriage and children with Dr. Jennifer Morse, head of the Ruth Institute.
Dr. Jennifer Morse is one of the nation’s foremost economists. She is also the Senior Research Fellow in Economics at the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Author of Smart Sex: Finding Life-long Love in a Hook-up World, (2005) and Love and Economics: Why the Laissez-Faire Family Doesn’t Work (2001), recently reissued in paperback, as Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village.
Dr. Morse served as a Research Fellow for Stanford University’s Hoover Institution from 1997-2005. She received her Ph.D. in economics from the University of Rochester in 1980 and spent a postdoctoral year at the University of Chicago during 1979-80. She taught economics at Yale University and George Mason University for 15 years. She was John M. Olin visiting scholar at the Cornell Law School in fall 1993. She is a regular contributor to the National Review Online, National Catholic Register, Town Hall, MercatorNet and To the Source.
Report on Covenant America Event With Ray Kish
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Ray Kish, chairman of the Constitution Party of Missouri, reports on the Covenant America event that took place in Kansas City, September 14, 2013.
John Eidsmoe – Authority on the US Constitution
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Celebrate Constitution Day with our special guest, John Eidsmoe. John comes to us as an expert on Constitutional law and holds five degrees in law, theology and political science and has authored 12 books. This is a rare opportunity to learn about some little known facets of our constitution and call in with questions.
Bobby Schindler – 8 Years After Court Ordered Death of His Sister Terri Schiavo
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Do you remember the story of Terri Schiavo? Tonight’s broadcast is with her brother, Bobby Schindler. Bobby offers us some insights now that it has been 8 years since her death. The nation watched as a judge ordered her to die by dehydration and police officers stood by her bedside to make sure nobody would even put a drop of water on her tongue. Here is the story and a discussion of where we are now as a nation. (Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Newtork www.lifeandhope.com)
Phyllis Schlafly
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Tonight we hear from Phyllis Schlafly, founder of Eagle Forum www.eagleforum.org Phyllis Schlafly has been a national leader of the conservative movement since the publication of her best-selling 1964 book, A Choice Not An Echo. She has been a leader of the pro-family movement since 1972, when she started her national volunteer organization called Eagle Forum. In a ten-year battle, Mrs. Schlafly led the pro-family movement to victory over the principal legislative goal of the radical feminists, called the Equal Rights Amendment. An articulate and successful opponent of the radical feminist movement, she appears in debate on college campuses more frequently than any other conservative.