Dr. Timothy Daughtry – Waking the Sleeping Giant
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What is it going to take to bring our country back? Listen to hear how to wake the sleeping giant and how mainstream Americans can beat Liberals at their own game. Dr. Timothy Daughtry is a columnist on Townhall http://townhall.com/columnists/timothydaughtry/ , the Blaze http://www.theblaze.com/author/timothy-daughtry/ and Breitbart http://www.breitbart.com/Columnists/Timothy-Daughtry
Dr. Daughtry is a former clinical psychologist turned conservative writer and speaker. He is co-author of Waking the Sleeping Giant: How Mainstream Americans Can Beat Liberals at Their Own Game. Follow him on Twitter: @TCDwriter.
Dr. Catherine Millard – The Rewriting of America’s History
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Can our government make good decisions if nobody understands the foundation of our structure? Is our history being rewritten? If teachers and media outlets are distorting the truth, how are we supposed to get the facts? Dr. Catherine Millard, author of The Rewriting of America’s History, will share some little known details from original documents and fill in the cracks on our understanding of our origins as a nation.
Alice Patterson – Justice at the Gate
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Remember the Alamo! There is a lot more happening in San Antonio than just historic relics. You thought the war was over, but we now are engaged in another war. When the San Antonio City Council decided to ban people from being involved in their city if they ever spoke out against moral degradation, they started a new kind of war with their citizens and with the constitution.
Join us as we talk with Alice Patterson from Justice at the Gate. She will share with us her story of the struggle and what you need to know when it comes to your city. http://www.justiceatthegate.org/
Proposed Article V Convention – Constitution Party Vice Chairman Randy Stufflebeam Offers a Counter Point of View
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Is there a way to improve our US Constitution? Want to learn the latest scoop on the Article V Convention? Join us for a rousing discussion with Randy Stufflebeam, Vice-Chairman of the Constitution Party. Randy will share with us the insider’s track on the real issues embedded into the Article V Convention.
Mark Levin has created quite a stir among conservatives and TEA Party types with his proposed Liberty Amendments. This has many talking about an Article V Convention, or “convention of the states” as some are calling it. However, conservatives and Constitutionists are divided as to the wisdom of calling a convention to amend the US Constitution.
If you were able to hear our show with Dave Cort, you won’t want to miss this episode to offer you the counter points we all must realize as we continue this important debate.
The Year in Review With 2008 Vice Presidential Candidate and Fellow Podcaster Darrell Castle
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Want a quick and easy overview of what happened last year? Ready for some predictions for 2014? Fasten your seat belts and listen to our talk with Darrell Castle of The Castle Report. We are going to offer you some quality in depth interpretation of the major news stories of last year and show how they will impact what we will see in 2014.
Time to right the ship is running short, but Darrell and Cynthia will offer helpful suggestions on what we can do to make a difference in the future of our country and in your own communities.
Dave Cort on the Proposed Article V Convention
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Are you concerned about the erosion of our US Constitution? The Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches don’t seem to be concerned about it. What options are available to the states to wrestle back control? The Article V Convention is an idea being floated around the state legislatures whereby the states would get together and propose changes to our constitution. Do you like that idea or not?
Tonight we have an extra special guest, Dave Cort, founder of the Missouri Grassroots Radio Network. Dave has studied this question and has some thoughts to share with us on how an Article V Convention can happen and why it should happen. If you have an opinion on the idea of making changes to our constitution, you need to listen and are guaranteed to learn.
Robert Andrews – Fixing the Family in Modern America
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Wonder why the country is not getting better? Listen tonight for the answers! Our guest, Robert Andrews will share with us the problems and the solutions for the decline of the family in our country. Robert Andrews, shares with us some wonderful stories of families that have been through difficult times and how we can win back the hearts of our children.
Robert Andrews is a graduate chemical engineer who has been a college campus evangelist, high school chemistry teacher and basketball coach, church teaching elder, church planter, national conference speaker and certified business and family coach. You can read Robert’s weekly Gospel Parenting blog at www.gospelparenting.com
The Inspiring Story of Peg Luksik – Political Dynamo and Housewife From Johnstown
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Our special guest is Peg Luksik. Peg comes to us from the state of Pennsylvania and speaks on many topics, specializing in constitutional studies. Luksik and Jason E. High founded the Center for American Heritage, a non-profit dedicated to restoring America’s unique heritage. Initially through the use of one-day seminars named the American Heritage Academy, the Center is dedicated to teaching political activists and interested citizens about America’s history, the political process, and how to be an effective advocate for a return to limited government. Peg Luksik currently serves as chairman of Founded on Truth, an organization dedicated to rebuilding our culture based on the truths that founded America.
She entered the 1990 gubernatorial Republican primary election 6 weeks before election day and received 46 percent of the vote. Her highest vote total came in Pennsylvania’s general election for governor in 1994.
Dave Smith
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Tonight we interview David Smith. He comes to us from the Illinois Family Institute. http://illinoisfamily.org/ David offers us an update on the legislative efforts underfoot to change our way of life and what he is doing about it.
Michael Peroutka
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Was the government shutdown a charade that accomplished nothing for America? Why would a candidate run if he couldn’t win? Why should anyone run? Where is the country headed? These are questions we will answer with Michael Peroutka, former presidential candidate.
Michael Anthony Peroutka (born 1952) is a Maryland lawyer, the founder of the Institute on the Constitution. He once held a position in the United States Department of Health and Human Services and was the Constitution Party candidate for president in 2004. He is co-host of The American View radio program. You can read more here www.theamericanview.com.