Education Systems with David Whitney
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It all boils down to one question: To whom do the children belong? Some people think they belong to the state and their parents belong to the state as well. This perspective is horribly misguided and the ramifications on the family are destructive to the core.
Today, I interview Pastor David Whitney from the Institute on the Constitution. He shares with us a historical perspective on the public school system and offers sound advice to parents on how to protect themselves and their children.
Obamacare with Jim Gwinner
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Today I interview Jim Gwinner. Jim is the Senior Vice President of Public Affairs for the LS2 Group and has spent a considerable amount of time studying Obamacare.
On today’s edition of Home Front, we give you the scoop on what the Supreme Court is mulling over and share some insights on what could happen to the country depending on the outcome of the King V. Burwell case. This has to do with the subsidies that are only allowed in states that have set up their own state insurance exchanges.
If you are interested in your healthcare or the government’s involvement, you will want to listen to our show today.
Leslie Ludy
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In this episode, I interview best selling author, Leslie Ludy. Join me for a frank discussion today about what our culture looks like and what we look like. We talk about where our culture it taking us and how you can have a more directed life.
Leslie is the author of the book, When God Writes Your Love Story. She and her husband, Eric, are the authors of 21 books. They also have six children. Today we are talking with her about her newest book, The Set Apart Woman.
Jacki Dirksmeyer – Feed My Peeps
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There is a private sector solution for all of our problems.
Today I went out to meet a lady who is making a difference. She was in the catering business and observed all the quantities of good food that was being thrown out and found a way to save it, transport it and convert it into providing a little bit of happiness for those who are less fortunate.
If you think about the size of the entire St. Louis metropolitan area, you end up with a lot of food that is being trashed and a lot of people who would like to have it, if only someone could make the transition happen.
Jacki Dirksmeyer started an organization called, “Feed My Peeps“. She is that lady who made the connection. We met at an outside café near an interstate, so you will hear plenty of traffic in the background, but you will also hear her heart and hopefully, it will inspire you to think about what you can do in your own community.
U.S. Supreme Court on Marriage
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In this edition of Home Front, I interview my friend, Darrell Castle. We get into what is happening with the US Supreme Court and what we need to know about the upcoming decisions that will determine the definition of marriage in our country.
We have some answers for you, like “Change your clothes and get back to work!”
As an extra bonus, we delve into some thoughts on the presidential candidates, debates and campaign funding for 2016.
Brad Dacus of The Pacific Justice Institute
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Thousands of innocent children are wrongfully taken from their parents. These children never get to see their parents again because we do not have adequate due-process protection. Some important information you will get from listening to the show includes the Hotline number: (916) 857-9600
On our show today we discuss the biggest threats to the family, how to protect yourself from the over-zealous social workers and most importantly, how to protect our religious freedom.
Brad Dacus is our guest. He served as Legislative Assistant to U.S. Senator Phil Gramm, and went on to receive his Juris Doctor from the University of Texas, School of Law. For the next five years, Mr. Dacus coordinated religious freedom and parental rights cases throughout the Western states. In 1997, Mr. Dacus founded Pacific Justice Institute, where he serves as President and continues to defend religious liberties and parental rights. The Pacific Justice Institute has a network with hundreds of volunteer affiliate attorneys and handles more cases on the West Coast than any other organization of its kind.
As an added bonus, we give details on the show for how to get a copy of the book, “How to Prevent Alzheimer’s” go to Pacific Justice.org “A family without faith is headed for a disaster” – Brad Dacus
Russell Bolton – One County at a Time
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No need to take this lying down! On this episode of Home Front, we talk with Russell Bolton about how we can correct the direction of our country. In a little county in the great Northwest, Russell is doing just that through the Stevens County Assembly. He has nearly 150 people coming out to hear the positive message of how to make a difference through the proper channels allowed by law to reclaim lost ground. Join us and be inspired.
Jeremy Mahurin and Facets of Marijuana Legislation
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Marijuana legalization efforts are sweeping the country. With the support of Republicans, Democrats and Libertatians, it looks like Missouri may be next. However, some say, “Not so fast.” There is more we need to know in the debate.
Today, we interview Pastor Jeremy Mahurin, Founder of Christian Conservatives Taking Action and associate pastor at Living Water Worship Center, to discuss some political realities you may have not considered. There are two sides to every issue, so you will appreciate hearing the other factors you may not have considered.
The Census
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Have you ever received an American Community Survey and wondered why?
What is the definition of tyranny? What happens if you don’t fill it out?
Today on Home Front, we interview Dr. Scott Bradley who can explain how these surveys match up with the Constitution and what you can do about it.
* Scott Bradley and his wife Tamara have five children and nine grandchildren (two more arriving shortly).
* For 16 years Scott served as an administrator at Utah State University as a Department Head and Director.
* Candidate for the United States Senate in 2006 and 2010, Scott Bradley holds a Bachelor of Science, a Masters of Public Administration, and a PhD in Constitutional Law.
* He is Founder and Chairman of The Constitution Commemoration Foundation, Inc., an educational organization which fosters increased understanding of the U.S. Constitution and the tradition of the Founding Fathers and also encourages a return to the original intent of proper government as understood and practiced at the time of America’s founding.
Scott is the author of a book and DVD/CD lecture series titled To Preserve the Nation@ in which he reviews the foundation principles upon which this great nation was established, and which he hopes will foster a renewed dedication to those principles.
* Learn more about Dr. Bradley at: FreedomsRisingSun.com
Montana Shrugged
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In this episode, I interview Eric Olsen, head of Montana Eagle Forum and the head of the Montana Tea Party organization, Montana Shrugged.
You will learn about Montana, Oil, Eagle Forum and the Tea Party Movement. As an extra bonus, you can find out who is now pushing the convention of the states.
You can learn more here: www.montanaeagleforum.org and here: www.montanashrugged.com
Is the Tea Party movement dead? Hardly! Montana shrugged has a membership of 6,100