
  • A Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage


    Most people may not realize how much the little things are really the big things. On our show today, we talk about a little thing called marriage. Whether you’re married or not, there’s something in here for you to learn as we talk with one of America’s foremost marriage experts, Dr. Greg Smalley. You’ll learn why some people quit leading their families and what it takes to be truly happy.

    You can follow Dr. Greg & Erin Smalley at www.focusonthefamily.com 

    The Smalleys are hosting an event called—the Honoring Marriage 2016 Event—a nationwide initiative led by Focus On The Family this upcoming Valentine’s Day 2016.

    We give a shout out to Missouri Grassroots Radio and Restoration of America Radio for hosting our show.

  • How to Raise Grateful Kids in an Entitlement World


    Today we have a show on a topic sorely missing in our society today — gratitude. We can all benefit from hearing the secret to what it takes to be grateful.

    I interview Kristen Welch, founder of the blog, “We are THAT Family” and Author of the book, Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World. Whether you have kids or not you’re going to learn the importance of having the right perspective on all of our circumstances.

    You can learn more by going to www.wearethatfamily.com or www.raisinggratefulkids.com

  • Why Run for Office?


    On our show today, you get an insider’s glimpse from a Congressional candidate, Paul Berry III.

    He speaks the truth and gives us what we need to know about the political dynamics in play this next election cycle.

    You’ll catch some insights into how the government is heading the wrong way and what we are doing to set the country on a new course.

    You can learn more at www.BerryForMissouri.com (coming soon) or Paul’s Facebook page.

  • Bioethics and Culture


    What is a person to do if you want a baby and haven’t been blessed with one through natural methods?  Today we talk with Jennifer Lahl, President and Founder of the Center for Bioethics and Culture.  She understands the taking the making and the faking of human life.  It’s all about human dignity on today’s show.

    You can find out more about the Center for Bioethics and Culture here:  www.cbc-network.org

    A lot of people understand what’s wrong with the abortion industry, but we tend to give fertilitiy clinics a free pass for whatever they want to do to human life.  Listen today to hear more about the right way to approach some very complicated issues.

  • The Daniel Fast


    Most of us have heard about the Atkins diet, the South Beach diet and the paleo diet. However, my guest today, Susan Gregory, is going to be discussing a new approach. We have the author of the Daniel Fast for Weight Loss.

    On today’s show we talk about how it’s not so much what’s going on in our bodies as much as what is going on in our hearts.


  • Bill Federer and Ann Wagner

    On today’s episode, I interview William J Federer, one of America’s most prominent historians. Bill is also a prolific writer and has authored more than 20 books. He ran for congress in St. Louis and even visited my office in Missouri’s Capitol when I was in the legislature.

    You can sign up for Bill’s daily e-mail, The American Minute at www.americanminute.com

    As a bonus at the end of this episode, I share some remarks made by my representative in the U. S. Congress with my own commentary inserted. We do this to help you hear and think about what is in those sound bites.

  • Free the Land – Ken Ivory


    We can understand the environmentalists trying to seize our land and render it useless. But we don’t understand the great extent of cooperation they enjoy from our Congress.

    On our show today, I interview Ken Ivory, Esq., president of the American Lands Council.

    2015 was the most damaging year on record for wild fires and who is to blame? The national government. Our Congress passed laws that have caused great harm to the logging industry, allowing trees to grow to unsafe levels and every year our government continues to pay about 2 billion dollars a year to the states as “shut up money”.

    Learn more about the millions of acres being held hostage by our National Governent on this edition of Home Front.

  • Ed Martin – White Flag Congress


    Are you one of the 11-15 % who thinks our congress is doing a good job?

    Does it matter what our elected officials say during the campaign season if they don’t keep any of their promises after the election? So…What can we do about it?

    Solutions are available and you will hear about them on this edition of Home Front.

    We interview Ed Martin who explains the White Flag Congress project.

  • Cal Zastrow – Planned Parenthood


    Honorable people will always decry murder no matter who commits it. But the media hype shows the hypocrisy of the left.

    Those who support abortion make a huge deal about a mentally ill man who shot up Planned Parenthood, but don’t have any comprehension that Planned Parenthood commits acts of violence every day they’re doing abortions.

    So what’s a good citizen to do? On our show today we share some ideas for how you can make a difference.

    I interview pro-Life champion, Cal Zastrow, who explains the right perspective we should have when a tragedy happens.