
  • Prescription Drug Monitoring Program


    Do you take prescription drugs? Do you want the government to know what you are on? If you care about your privacy, you will learn how the legislature is pushing for big brother to get into your business and what you can do about it.

    What is PDMD? You’ll learn about the prescription drug monitoring program today.

    Today we have Ron Staggs. Ron comes to us from Paris! Paris Missouri that is. He is an expert on numbers and statistics and is an expert on the Prescription Drug Monitoring Legislation MBA and has done data analysis work.

  • Cynthia Davis Jefferson City Tribune


    Every week I bring you a guest to discuss various issues. My hope is that you enjoy gleaning from the wisdom of many others. Today I bring you a reverse show where I am the one being interviewed. The Jefferson City News Tribune is a newspaper in the heart of Missouri. You are about to hear the reporter ask me questions about who I am, why I would want to run for Congress and how we are going to make the world a better place. I hope you enjoy listening.

    If you would like to learn more, go to my website, CynthiaDavis.us

  • Intellectual Takeout – Daniel Lattier


    Today we interview Daniel Lattier, the Vice-President of Intellectual Take Out—Feed Your Mind.

    Why are conservatives losing?

    Believe it or not, “freedom” might not be a winning idea. Now, one thing to understand is that most of the conservative think tanks lead with the term “freedom” in their missions and visions. They see freedom as the preeminent founding idea of America and the source of its exceptionalism, and they exist in large part to promote freedom in all its manifestations—the free market, free enterprise, individual freedom, etc. … “freedom” may still be a winning idea, but is the problem that it just needs to be messaged better to the American public?

    His website, www.intellectualtakeout.org is designed to produce thought-provoking content that is both relevant and concise. It’s mission is to take complex ideas and break them down in a digestible form. Too many times, we turn off our brains and just repeat what we hear on the news without considering how much of it is truth and how much of it is “politically correct spin.”

    You will learn why some messages have failed to connect to the greatest needs of the voters.

  • Military Issues with Retired Marine, Randy Stufflebeam


    On our show today, you will learn what it means to declare war, what kind of unconstitutional behavior we are getting out of Congress and why we still have hope for America. We share some insights from a retired Marine, Randy Stufflebeam, who shows us the right way to get out of our quagmire.

    When you listen to our program, you will hear the truth that hurts, but you’ll also learn some reasons to have hope for America.

  • What Is the Right Response to the Refugee Resettlement Projects?


    On today’s show we answer lots of questions you may have pertaining to Islam, but didn’t know who to ask. We give you insights into some of the consequences of the refugee resettlement projects.

    Our guest, Shahram Hadian, is a former Muslim. We talk about why anyone would want to convert to Islam and discuss how Muslims feel about non-Muslim women.

    Shahram Hadian travels around the nation speaking on critical issues facing us as Americans. The name of his organization is “Truth in Love Ministries“.

    Shahram’s background includes experience as a pastor, police officer, teacher, coach, and leader in his community. He was a candidate for the governor of Washington State in 2012.

    If you want to see what “could happen” in the future of our country, this is the show for you!

  • The Declaration of Independence with David Whitney


    Are you ever discouraged about the direction our country is heading?  Today you’re going to hear from someone who can encourage you by sharing some gems from history.  You’ll hear about the philosophy behind the Declaration of Independence and you’ll hear a great plan for how to fix the mess we’re finding ourselves in today.

    Rev. David Whitney teaches the Christian heritage and history of our country with Institute on the Constitution .

    David is an Honors Scholar graduate from Rutgers University with a Masters Degree from Denver Seminary. A minister for 32 years he is currently the Pastor of Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church of Pasadena, Maryland.

  • Bob Parker – The Current State of Politics in America


    Our guest today is Bob Parker.  Bob is a rancher and real estate agent in southern Missouri. He has served on many boards, including his local school board, Extension council, Farm Bureau  and was a candidate for Congress in 2012.

    On our show today, we discuss the push to put microchips into all the animals and other ways in which our government is becoming far more than just a “Big Brother”.  Learn what you can do to protect yourself and why we believe there’s hope.

  • Club for Growth


    Do you ever get discouraged about the condition of our country? There’s hope. Our values are still worth fighting for. On our show today, you’ll hear me ask the real questions about why our representatives tend to betray us.

    There is a general sense of disgust and frustration over the mess in Washington D.C. , but as you listen to our guest, you’ll come away with solutions and encouragement.

    Today we get to talk with Doug Sachtleben. Doug is the Communications Director of Club for Growth.

    Club for Growth was recently mentioned in a National Review story about how the next focus needs to be on Congressional Races. Doug is here to put it all together for us and help us make sense out of this election cycle.

  • Taxation and the Ever Growing National Government


    We can’t wait for the government to figure out how to downsize itself. Between the Social Welfare Spending, the Highway and Transit Spending and all the new regulations coming out of the executive branch, doing nothing is only making the problem worse.

    On our show today, we interview Chris Edwards, director of tax policy studies at Cato Institute, and editor of www.DownsizingGovernment.org.

    You’ll learn a few ways we can trim and slim. One of the highlights of this show happened when he said, “Government austerity …personal prosperity!”

    Thanks for joining us as we hear some of the best and brightest ideas.