
  • The End of Obamacare


    The old expression is, “if you want to get out of the rat race, you have to let go of the cheese.” In this case, it’s moldy cheese. So, if you’re confused about all you’re hearing about the repeal of Obamacare, today we explain how you can let go of the cheese and end up in better shape.

    On this episode of Home Front, we discuss the repeal of Obamacare with Abigail Nobel. Abigail understands both the medical and political aspects of of this issue, having worked many years in the healthcare profession and holding both a Bachelor of Science in nursing and a Master of Arts in politics. Abigail is currently a public speaker, health policy nurse consultant and publishes articles on health related matters at her website, Dewdrops of Health.

  • Culture War


    Today we bring you Jonathon Van Maren. Jonathon lives in Canada and recently published his book, Culture War.  He’s also a columnist, radio host and speaker.

    It’s time for your wake up call. If you’re wondering if there’s a culture war going on, you need to listen to our show today. We discuss the harm caused by pornography, euthanasia and some of the political differences between Canada and the United States.

    For more information, go to: thebridgehead.ca

  • Is Santa Claus Real? With Bill Federer


    On our show today we discuss if Santa Claus is real, how and why people started believing in him and what difference it made. You’ll get to enjoy a conversation with one of America’s foremost historians! Today we interview William J. Federer. He is a nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to researching America’s noble heritage. He does the American Minute and has authored many books including America’s God and County and many more.

  • Pearl Harbor Survivor Jim Downing


    Today we have an interview with 103 year old Pearl Harbor survivor, Jim Downing. Jim was born and raised in Missouri. He’s a World War II Veteran and was stationed in Pearl Harbor during the attack. His new book that just came out is called, The Other Side of Infamy.

    Out of the 16 million World War II Vererans, there are only a little over half a million still living today. Soon it will be impossible for us to get to visit with someone who can tell us first hand what it was like. On today’s show, we talk with one of the few survivors left who was stationed in Pearl Harbor during the attack. We owe it to our history to glean a few more gems of wisdom from someone who was there.

  • The Future of Marriage – Stephen Baskerville


    Although there is no governmental solution to make people stay together, there are better ways to keep the government from making things worse!

    On our show today we talk with a public policy expert who can navigate through the murky waters and bring some clarity to this debate.

    Today our guest is Stephen Baskerville. He is a professor of Government and Director of the International Politics and Policy program at Patrick Henry College. He is also the managing editor of the International Journal of Religious Freedom.

  • Post-Election Analysis with Rory Riddler


    Today we have political analyst and professional campaign consultant, Rory Riddler. Rory is one of the smartest political commentators in the Country and has been in the trenches helping many candidates from local government up to Congressional races. He is also a highly respected Democrat and offers us a unique perspective on what happened in our Country in this last presidential election.

    The big slogan we’ve heard for months is “Make America Great Again!” But how do we make America great?

    On our show today you’re going to hear the deeper political secrets from one of the best political consultants in the Country about why Hillary’s campaign failed, why Donald’s campaign succeeded and predictions for what’s going to happen in these next four years.

  • Israel Wayne – Taking America Back One Family At a Time


    You don’t have to throw the baby out with the bath water!

    On today’s show we help you understand what’s involved with full time parenting and where our culture is heading.

    We’re about to help you learn what we can do to take America back…one family at a time.

    Our guest is Author, Speaker and Director of Family Renewal, Israel Wayne. I have enjoyed reading his works for years. For more information, go to his website: www.familyrenewal.org

  • Lester Turilli for Governor


    Today we interview Lester Turilli, candidate for Governor in Missouri. Turilli, 45, may be the only gubernatorial candidate who has surrounded himself with a prayer team which prays daily for revival in the state. His genuine love for the people of Missouri is second only to his love for God. He approaches the gubernatorial race with a commitment to positive campaigning, integrity, and social justice.

    Lester grew up in Creve Coeur, Missouri. After graduating from Parkway North High School, he attended Baylor University, graduating with a BBA in Management and Entrepreneurship. Currently, Turilli is an executive in his family business, Meramec Caverns and Caveman Zipline.

    Don’t throw your vote away! On this episode of Home Front you’re going to hear an amazing story of a man running for Governor of Missouri. Are you wondering if it is possible for good people to run in an honorable way? Then this show is for you. You are about to be inspired and encouraged by this story.


  • Ballot Issues with Carl Bearden


    How many times do you go to vote for a candidate and get shocked by all the other questions on the ballot? On this episode, our goal is to help you understand some of those sneaky amendments before you get another surprise in the voting booth.

    We interview former State Representative, Carl Bearden. I met Carl many years ago when he was on the St. Charles County Council and I was on the O’Fallon Board of Aldermen. Then he moved to the Missouri House of Representative and two years later I joined him there. He went on to be the chairman of the budget committee and the Speaker Pro Tem and now he is a lobbyist for United for Missouri.