“Omnibus” or “Off the Bus”?
Lots of people are unhappy with the latest spending bill that just passed in Washington DC. Here are a few comments from some of my friends:
“Shame on President Trump and the Republican majority. This omnibus spending bill is a disgrace to the very voters that sent them to D.C. to change course and drain the swamp. This spending bill is just more of the same. This proves again there is not a dime’s worth of difference between the Rs and Ds in Washington. We can make a difference!” ~ Jim L.
“I’m tired….it’s been 11 years I’ve given to giving a s#$! about this country. I put my faith in Ron Paul, the Revolution, the Libertarians, the Conservatives…. Donald Trump and MAGA. 11 years 2007 – 2018. Going to put my energy into living out my days with what’s left of this country. I put my family in debt for this country. I’ve sacrificed more hours than I can count. I kept putting faith and believing in myself & others that we could save America from ending. But it’s a fix — Agenda 2030 is in full force. Call me if you see a shred of evidence that this is not happening. Until then peace out. Getting my nails done.” ~ Gigi B.
Holding Elected Officials Accountable
We all want to have a great Country. But what are we supposed to do when our elected officials go awry? So many present themselves as caring about our issues when they are candidates, so how can there be such a remarkable transformation after many of them get into office?
How can we hold them accountable?
On our show this week, we talk with one of our favorite citizen lobbyists, Lisa Pannett. She shares with us from her vast experience of holding legislator’s “feet to the fire”.
Here are my suggestions:
The Hook Up Culture
We’ve been sold a lie. Individuals, families, and churches have suffered great harm from the sexual revolution. The internet has only intensified the ease and speed with which perverts, naive lonely people, and morally bankrupt people can find each other.
We have to shield our kids from as much as we can, but the culture is not supportive of traditional families or traditional values. It’s to the point where the more bizarre or deviant the lifestyle is, the more “cool” it is regarded.
The State of the Insurance Industry
Having insurance is a lot like gambling. However, with gambling, you win if you win. With insurance, you win if you lose! Or if you lose, you win!
Where else do people purchase a product they hope will never be used?
Now that Obamacare has had several years to percolate through the masses, we have ridiculously high premiums and still millions of folks who are uninsured. Wasn’t the purpose of the program to eliminate the uninsured?
When the Democrats were in the majority and Obama was the President, we called it “Obamacare”. Now that Obama is out of office, and the Republicans are financially supporting the program, calling it “Obamacare” just doesn’t seem to fit.
What’s Feminism Doing for Women?
My son asked, “Mom, what is feminism? Is it when people think females are better than men?” It amazes me when kids put concepts together so much better than adults.
Why don’t we ever hear about a “masculinism” movement — something equal and opposite of feminism? The further away our culture moves from the Biblical standard, the more we will have messed up laws, messed up homes and a messed up Country.
We can’t create equality for women by making new laws. We can only foster understanding by pointing to the foundation of respect, love, and civility.
“Faith in Christ Jesus is what makes each of you equal with each other, whether you are a Jew or a Greek, a slave or a free person, a man or a woman.” ~ Galatians 3:28
School Shooting Solutions
There’s been plenty of analysis of the school shooting in Florida last week. Some of it is helpful, but much of the mainstream commentary is slanted. Big government proponents seek to use this tragedy to advance a political agenda to grow governmental bureaucracies, justify more National intrusion, reduce personal responsibility and erode our second amendment.
The worst ideas focus on treating the symptoms, not the real problems. To find the right answers, we must look at the root cause. Some people blame guns, psychotropic drugs, adoption issues, Asperger’s Syndrome, and lack of school-provided law enforcement.
However, I have not heard anyone talk about what schools teach students. My daughter was required to read “The Most Dangerous Game” about someone who hunted other human beings. The year before she was required to read, “The Hunter and the Hunted”, which was just as bad.
Happy Valentine’s Day
In all these political debates, I’m hearing a lot about ideology, but little about how we are going to be a more kind, loving and virtuous Country. The way to change the Country starts with us changing our own lives and families.
On our show today, we talk with authors of a book on marriage called, Enter the Ring—Fighting together for a Gospel Saturated Marriage. This book is written to explain how millennials view marriage with a different perspective from other generations. Listen and learn. I hope you enjoy it!
Why is Abortion Still Legal?
Why is abortion still legal? Modern medicine, current science and political surveys demonstrate that abortion is destroying a human being. More people than ever realize that unborn people deserve all the rights and protections afforded to any other human being. Yet, abortion on demand is still legal in our Country.
If all the political candidates were as pro-life as they claim, abortion would no longer be done. Instead of taking care of business, they pussyfoot around with token mutations. Years tick by and abortion is still legal.
Is an incremental approach a pacifier? NOTHING says ANTI-LIFE as much as taking an abortion provider – Planned Parenthood – that hadn’t been able to do abortions since 2015 and passing laws which now have created a scenario where they can start performing abortions again.
Southern Poverty Law Center
Real poverty happens when a culture becomes morally bankrupt. There is nothing more unAmerican than to shame and shun people just because of holding patriotic philosophy. In this case, the victims are Center-Right, Constitutional, Liberty-Leaning, or Christian groups. Those who are carrying on the torch of freedom from those who bled and died so we could have these opportunities—A.K.A. the bedrock of our society!
The Southern Poverty Law Center is not about the South, poverty or laws. It is focused on name-calling and has tarnished its own credibility by lurching to the left.
What Are You Doing for Life?
It calls itself, Planned Parenthood, but it is diametrically opposed to parenthood. This organization generates revenue from promiscuity and selling dead baby parts. A lot of people know what they are doing is wrong, but are at a loss for finding the proper response.
Yet, there’s a lot that can be done. Not everybody is cut out for the same work. Some hold up signs, some talk to the pregnant moms or boyfriends, some pray. Everybody can do something. We are about moving heaven and earth for a greater purpose.