• Intellectual Takeout

    Intellectual Takeout 1

    This is a picture of the cake we enjoyed from Susie G’s Cakes.  Every cake she does is a true masterpiece and we thought you would enjoy getting to see such an artistic creation.  if  you ever want an exceptional cake that tastes suberb and blows your expectations over the line, please consider using Susie G’s Cakes at 2679 State Hwy K, O’Fallon, MO 63368 or call at (636) 240-7610

    I was recently on the Diane Jones Morning Show in Franklin, Missouri.  Here is the recording of the interview.

    It’s hard to know what to say given all the violence erupting around the country.  My heart goes out to all the family members of the police officers who were killed for just doing their jobs.

  • Intellectual Takeout – Daniel Lattier


    Today we interview Daniel Lattier, the Vice-President of Intellectual Take Out—Feed Your Mind.

    Why are conservatives losing?

    Believe it or not, “freedom” might not be a winning idea. Now, one thing to understand is that most of the conservative think tanks lead with the term “freedom” in their missions and visions. They see freedom as the preeminent founding idea of America and the source of its exceptionalism, and they exist in large part to promote freedom in all its manifestations—the free market, free enterprise, individual freedom, etc. … “freedom” may still be a winning idea, but is the problem that it just needs to be messaged better to the American public?

    His website, www.intellectualtakeout.org is designed to produce thought-provoking content that is both relevant and concise. It’s mission is to take complex ideas and break them down in a digestible form. Too many times, we turn off our brains and just repeat what we hear on the news without considering how much of it is truth and how much of it is “politically correct spin.”

    You will learn why some messages have failed to connect to the greatest needs of the voters.

  • Welcome Home!

    Welcome Home 1

    A tear trickled out of my eyes as my husband and I were sitting next to the computer monitor when I saw the first glimpse of my son returning from his deployment to the Middle East.  The welcome he received reminded me of how it may feel to go to our eternal heavenly destiny at the end of our lives.  In a sense, all of us are heroes by the efforts we employ to save and protect  our Country and its people.

  • Military Issues with Retired Marine, Randy Stufflebeam


    On our show today, you will learn what it means to declare war, what kind of unconstitutional behavior we are getting out of Congress and why we still have hope for America. We share some insights from a retired Marine, Randy Stufflebeam, who shows us the right way to get out of our quagmire.

    When you listen to our program, you will hear the truth that hurts, but you’ll also learn some reasons to have hope for America.

  • Islamic Jihad

    Islamic Jihad 1

    Islamic Jihad 2

    One of my Facebook friends posted this:

    Let me try one more time to get this right:
    Thousands of Islamic Terrorists are planning to slaughter American civilians on American soil. Obama’s and Hillary’s response is to :
    1.) Disarm the American people.
    2.) Import more terrorists.

  • What Is the Right Response to the Refugee Resettlement Projects?


    On today’s show we answer lots of questions you may have pertaining to Islam, but didn’t know who to ask. We give you insights into some of the consequences of the refugee resettlement projects.

    Our guest, Shahram Hadian, is a former Muslim. We talk about why anyone would want to convert to Islam and discuss how Muslims feel about non-Muslim women.

    Shahram Hadian travels around the nation speaking on critical issues facing us as Americans. The name of his organization is “Truth in Love Ministries“.

    Shahram’s background includes experience as a pastor, police officer, teacher, coach, and leader in his community. He was a candidate for the governor of Washington State in 2012.

    If you want to see what “could happen” in the future of our country, this is the show for you!

  • The Declaration

    Last week I spoke at the Jefferson County Republican Club.  We were privileged to get to sit at the same table with Mike Reuter. Our message was warmly received by so many great folks who care about the direction our Country is heading.  It was very encouraging to be among lots of like-minded people.
    Last week I spoke at the Jefferson County Republican Club.  We were privileged to get to sit at the same table with Mike Reuter. Our message was warmly received by so many great folks who care about the direction our Country is heading.  It was very encouraging to be among lots of like-minded people.

    Everyone in America celebrates the Fourth of July. We all know that it’s a patriotic holiday. Nearly all the festivities center around
    recreation and entertainment, with little to no acknowledgment of what we’re commemorating. Most people think it’s about how we were unhappy with the King, independence from Great Britain, then there was a war, and we won the war, so therefore we’re celebrating. Yea!

  • The Declaration of Independence with David Whitney


    Are you ever discouraged about the direction our country is heading?  Today you’re going to hear from someone who can encourage you by sharing some gems from history.  You’ll hear about the philosophy behind the Declaration of Independence and you’ll hear a great plan for how to fix the mess we’re finding ourselves in today.

    Rev. David Whitney teaches the Christian heritage and history of our country with Institute on the Constitution .

    David is an Honors Scholar graduate from Rutgers University with a Masters Degree from Denver Seminary. A minister for 32 years he is currently the Pastor of Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church of Pasadena, Maryland.

  • Three Boxes

    Three Boxes 1
    This is a picture of the first sample ballot I received with my name on it.  The County clerks are required to send a sample to each candidate so we can check to see if our name is spelled correctly.  There’s something about seeing my name on the ballot for the first time that brings home the reality that this is really going to happen.

    Bob Parker, our guest on our Home Front Show this week said, “We have three boxes:  The Ballot Box, the Soap Box and the Ammo Box”. The majority of legislators in Congress claim to be pro-second amendment, so why are they spending their time in session discussing how they can place more hardships on our good law-abiding citizens?  Evil didn’t originate from an act of Congress and it cannot be eradicated by an act of Congress.  Can someone please explain to them that they are under no obligation to placate the man occupying the White House?

    As long as there are elections, we can still make a difference.

    For now, I’m changing the Country by working through the ballot box. I urge you to use the ballot box as well. It’s time to send new people with a new tone to Washington, DC. We have an opportunity like never before to change our Congress!