• Miracles in American History

    Bernie and I recently went to Boston.  The landmarks of our history and the fight for our independence are always inspiring.  The people of New England were faithful to document many events.  This helps us to understand and appreciate our history.  This is a picture of us at the Old North Bridge in Concord, Massachusetts, where the War for Independence began.
    Bernie and I recently went to Boston.  The landmarks of our history and the fight for our independence are always inspiring.  The people of New England were faithful to document many events.  This helps us to understand and appreciate our history.  This is a picture of us at the Old North Bridge in Concord, Massachusetts, where the War for Independence began.

    My daughter, who is on a left-leaning college campus, asked for my take on all these race riots.  I don’t remember a time, nor does she, when things have been worse in our lifetimes.  The best part about studying history is that it allows us the perspective we so desperately need to understand how to interpret the events we are watching today.

    With all the talk about the rioting and looting and shootings, there are valid reasons to feel pessimistic about the direction we are heading.  However, this week we talk with William J. Federer about our reasons for hope.  Our Nation is peppered with stories from the past of how previous generations overcame similar situations.

  • Miracles in American History


    Today you’re going to hear some examples of the past to learn about other times in our Nation’s history when regular people took action and changed the course. Listen as our guest talks about the direction we are heading and how we can all adjust the path before it’s too late.

    Today we have William J. Federer as our honored guest. He is a nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to researching America’s noble heritage.

    He produces a newsletter called “The American Minute” and has authored many books including America’s God and County and many more.

    His works include George Washington Carver – His Life and Faith in His Own Words, America’s God and Country: Encyclopedia of Quotations, The Faith of FDR, The Ten Commandments and Their Influence on American Law, Three Secular Reasons Why America Should Be Under God, and What Every American Needs to Know About the Quran: A History of Islam and the United States.

    He hosts the daily program Faith in History on the TCT Network and has a daily radio show, The American Minute, which summarizes what happened on a certain day in history AmericanMinute.com

  • Sex Education


    When we went to the open house at our local high school, I was shocked to see this posted on lockers in every hallway, above every drinking fountain, in every bathroom, even taped to the back of the stall doors.  Somebody went “hog wild” making sure every child and parent saw that there is an opportunity to further confuse children.

    Here’s a question for you:  If in the eyes of the law, it is illegal for children to be having sex before they are at least 17 years of age, why are we promoting sex in the public schools?

  • Is the sexual revolution still having an affect on us?


    What you’re about to hear today may raise a few eyebrows, but it’s a talk we need to have. Whether you have children or not, we are all affected by the sexual revolution of the 60s.

    Now Fast forward to today. we use fancier terms like sexual attitude restructuring, but it’s t he same thing with another label. It’s killing us and you’re about to find out how and why. But, we’re also going to give you some hope.

    On today’s episode we talk with Audrey Werner. She is a former Sex educator and worked in a venereal disease clinic for a public health department. She’s a professor and the Dean of “Life Issues” at the Masters International University of Divinity.

    Audrey is also Founder and president of the Matthew XVIII Group which is a purity ministry. We have her today to share with us her secrets on how to redeem a culture on the brink.

  • Phyllis Schlafly


    In honor of the passing of Phyllis Schlafly, Home Front presents this encore edition of an interview with one of the last conservative icons. Phyllis Schlafly was the founder of Eagle Forum. She was a national leader of the conservative movement since the publication of her best-selling 1964 book, A Choice Not An Echo. She was a leader of the pro-family movement since 1972, when she started her national volunteer organization called Eagle Forum. In a ten-year battle, Mrs. Schlafly led the pro-family movement to victory over the principal legislative goal of the radical feminists, called the Equal Rights Amendment. An articulate and successful opponent of the radical feminist movement, she appeared in debate on college campuses more frequently than any other conservative.

  • Conservative Roll Call

    Me with Phyllis Schlaffly.

    I am so grateful to have known Phyllis Schlafly.  She was one of the few political activists who notices what people stand for and couldn’t’t be suckered by slick talk.  She had a keen ability to sniff out truth and “say it like it is”.  So many activists and lobbyists get caught up in the popularity contests and money contests they end up forgetting what path they were on when they started.

    The picture above was taken after our event, “A Conservative Roll Call”.  It was a tremendous honor to have Phyllis come give the keynote speech and support me.  I especially enjoyed our conversation in the car on the way there as we reflected on all the parallels in our lives.  Phyllis is proof that one does not need to hold a public office to make a substantial difference in the political landscape.

  • The Happiness Dare


    When you listen to this episode of Home Front, you will hear from someone who can show us how to really enjoy our lives despite all the political mayhem Linger with us in a way that will nourish your soul today.

    Today we have Jennifer Dukes Lee, author of The Happiness Dare. Jennifer is a former award-winning news reporter who covered crime, politics, and natural disasters for several newspapers. She now lives on a farm with her husband and two daughters.

  • The Happiness Dare

    The Happiness Dare 1
    This picture was taken of me with my grandchildren when I was in Alaska a few months ago.  These are the Iditarod sled dog puppies.

    Years ago the Peanuts cartoon caption read, “Happiness is a warm puppy.”  The point of it is that some of life’s simple pleasures are the ones that bring us the most satisfaction.

    If we are getting our happiness from having our favorite candidate win or from seeing world peace, we will be disappointed.  Yet, when we get right down to it, the things that make us happy are not these “things”.

    If you have been overdosing on politics, give yourself a break and listen to our show on how you can find happiness, peace and satisfaction with  your life. 

  • Vaxxed

    This is our "First Day of School" photo, in case you wondered what we look like at the crack of dawn.  Nothing like a renewed external regimen to put our family back into the Central Standard Time zone!
    This is our “First Day of School” photo, in case you wondered what we look like at
    the crack of dawn.  Nothing like a renewed external regimen to put our family back
    into the Central Standard Time zone!

    Few topics are more personal and controversial than the topic of whether to vaccinate your child or not.  The purpose of this newsletter is not to alienate or advocate, but to provide information.

    During my first term in the House of Representatives, people started questioning whether vaccines caused autism or not.  We all knew that autism was on the rise. Most legislators, even with the Republicans in charge, reacted to the increase in autism by pushing for more government programs and insurance mandates. Historically, the Republican Party advertised itself as siding with smaller government, (unless an issue has the potential of generating votes and money—then it can use the issue for leverage.)

  • Vaxxed – Del Bigtree


    On our show today, you will gain some insights into what’s really behind this epidemic and who you can trust. We also offer some ideas that will give you the courage to listen to your own common sense.

    Today we interview Del Bigtree, producer of the documentary Vaxxed. He is investigative medical journalist. For six years Del was an producer on a daytime talk show called, The Doctors.

    He also did an exposé on how some governmental agencies have wrongly removed children from their parents. Del comes to us to discuss his movie which is about to be released on DVD shortly. Learn more at www.vaxxed.com