• Lester Turilli for Governor


    Today we interview Lester Turilli, candidate for Governor in Missouri. Turilli, 45, may be the only gubernatorial candidate who has surrounded himself with a prayer team which prays daily for revival in the state. His genuine love for the people of Missouri is second only to his love for God. He approaches the gubernatorial race with a commitment to positive campaigning, integrity, and social justice.

    Lester grew up in Creve Coeur, Missouri. After graduating from Parkway North High School, he attended Baylor University, graduating with a BBA in Management and Entrepreneurship. Currently, Turilli is an executive in his family business, Meramec Caverns and Caveman Zipline.

    Don’t throw your vote away! On this episode of Home Front you’re going to hear an amazing story of a man running for Governor of Missouri. Are you wondering if it is possible for good people to run in an honorable way? Then this show is for you. You are about to be inspired and encouraged by this story.


  • Judges

    Every year while I was in the legislature, the Archbishop of the St. Louis Archdiocese invited me and my family to attend the Red Mass. This is a picture of me with one of my favorite judges, Dan Pelican, and his wife after a Red Mass in St. Louis.


    We should be satisfied that we get to vote on whether to retain them, but what good is a vote when it’s so hard to know what we are getting?   Because of their “professional courtesy”, most judges won’t even offer their thoughts about other judges.  It’s nearly impossible to make an informed decision.

    As a result, the vast majority of the judges are retained, regardless of their behavior.  For a judge to be removed from the bench would take a scandal so big, we would hear about it for weeks on the nightly news. Since Missouri developed it’s non-partisan court plan only two justices have ever been removed.

  • Ballot Issues

    These are some of the brightest political minds in Missouri.  We met a few years ago in Springfield.  I’m grateful to have people in my network who are willing to think and study the correct political perspective.  Clockwise from Left to Right: Janine Martz, Tom Martz, Pam Simpson, Rick Simpson, Me, Clay Bowler, Len Hart and his wife, Harold Thompson and Janet Thompson.

    So much of the press has revolved around the presidential election, but there are many more decisions coming up in November.

    We have all felt the surprise of going to vote and being confronted suddenly with questions we never studied ahead of time.  To save you the time and trouble, I have analyzed the ballot questions and offer this as a guide for those who share our values:

    Amendment # 1  Conservation Tax — We always vote against taxes.  This is a sales tax.  They have enough of our hard earned money already.  Voting against this extension will allow for greater accountability from the Department of Conservation.  I’m Voting No.

  • Ballot Issues with Carl Bearden


    How many times do you go to vote for a candidate and get shocked by all the other questions on the ballot? On this episode, our goal is to help you understand some of those sneaky amendments before you get another surprise in the voting booth.

    We interview former State Representative, Carl Bearden. I met Carl many years ago when he was on the St. Charles County Council and I was on the O’Fallon Board of Aldermen. Then he moved to the Missouri House of Representative and two years later I joined him there. He went on to be the chairman of the budget committee and the Speaker Pro Tem and now he is a lobbyist for United for Missouri.

  • What Does it Take to Get Elected?


    Today we interview former State Representative, Brent Lasater. Brent is from Independence, Missouri and served that area as a State Representative. He is now in a campaign for State Senate.

    Sometimes it’s easy to get discouraged about the choices we have come election time. If you’re wondering if there are any genuine candidates out there who are running for the right reasons, you’ll want to hear our show today. We give you the inside story of what it takes to run for an elected office, and share the secrets of how to win in a way that will surprise your friends and your enemies alike.

  • Making America Great

    Just because we don’t win, doesn’t me we quit trying.  This is a picture of me with Paul Berry when we were both US Congressional Candidates. We were at the Thomas Eagleton United States Courthouse fighting for what is right.  Neither one of us is a candidate any longer, but we will always cherish the satisfaction of knowing we offered the voters an opportunity to upgrade.

    Are you tired of hearing more about the upcoming election?  If it were today many of us would be relieved to see the newscasts report on current events instead of what’s so bad about the candidates running for office.

    Here’s what one of my Facebook friends had to say:

    “Anyone who thinks either Hillary or Trump can destroy this Nation – a Nation being Held Up by the Hands of God – needs to re-examine his or her faith. Because that idea is a lie being whispered in our ears by spirits who want nothing less than to tear our souls to pieces…”


  • October Surprise

    I was able to visit with Morton Blackwell at the Eagle Forum Convention with some other great minds.  Morton is the founder and president of The Leadership Institute and an expert on "all things political".
    I was able to visit with Morton Blackwell at the Eagle Forum Convention with some other great minds.  Morton is the founder and president of The Leadership Institute and an expert on “all things political”.

    With all the mud-slinging between the presidential candidates, I want to offer some comfort.  The November election is not about the presidential candidates.  In November, we are actually voting for the electors from a political party.  In the August primary, we vote for the person we want for the nominee.  By the November election we vote for the the political party’s slate of electors.  The political parties are putting forth their candidates to showcase their philosophical differences.

    The biggest surprise of all these October surprises is gullibility and malleability of the voters.  These negative reports are effective at bringing down the popularity of the candidates.  As long as it works, expect to see more.  Sadly, by the end of the election, the result will be less voter turnout for anyone.  People don’t like feeling like they just helped the candidate who was “twice the son of perdition” get into his position.

  • The Electoral College


    Welcome to Home Front! Today we have Tara Ross. Tara is a mother, wife, writer, and retired lawyer. She is the author of Enlightened Democracy: The Case for the Electoral College, co-author of Under God: George Washington and the Question of Church and State and her latest book, which we are talking about today called: We Elect A President—the story of our electoral college.

    A lot of people don’t understand how presidential elections work. On today’s show we talk about the electoral college in a way you’ve never heard it explained before and how your vote can make a difference, even if you are voting off label.

  • Monumental Shift

    This is Bernie's brother, Scott, my husband, Bernie and me in front of the Monument to the Forefathers in Plymouth, Massachusetts.  It's the largest granite monument in the United States.  The entire time I lived in Massachusetts, I never knew it existed.   As you can see from the picture, it was too big to capture the entire monument in the picture.
    This is Bernie’s brother, Scott, my husband, Bernie and me in front of the Monument to the Forefathers in Plymouth, Massachusetts.  It’s the largest granite monument in the United States.  The entire time I lived in Massachusetts, I never knew it existed.   As you can see from the picture, it was too big to capture the entire monument in the picture.

    A lot of people are asking me about the Presidential Election.  If we had a more honorable Congress and judiciary, it would make less of a difference who is in the White House. Those on the left end of the political spectrum believe the same thing.  The power of the White House depends on the the other two branches.

    Some are saying the Republic will go down if the wrong person gets elected.   All three branches of government are dysfunctional.  Worse than that, none can be made functional again without a correction in the hearts of the voters.  We have to start by admitting we have a problem.  Then we need a desire to correct the problem.

  • Courts and the Bill of Rights – Donald Brockett


    The Constitution is not designed to tell us all the ways government can interfere with our lives, it was designed to limit the size, scope and reach of government. Very few people have read the Constitution, let alone understand it.

    Today we have Donald Brockett, Author of the book “The Tyrannical Rule of the US Supreme Court: How the Court has Violated the Constitution.” He is a former prosecuting attorney of Spokane County, Washington and comes to share his wealth of knowledge with us today.

    We answer questions like: Can courts make laws? Which is the most misapplied amendment? Do the states have the right to legalize marijuana?

    You’ll enjoy hearing these answers and even more about our bill of rights.