• The Other Side of Infamy

    This is a picture of my dad, a World War II Veteran.

    How many of you know someone who is alive today who was in World War II?  The number is diminishing all the time.  I feel very fortunate to still have my dad around.

    Out of the 16 million World War II veterans, there are only around 1/2 a million still living.  Soon it will be impossible for us to talk first hand with someone who was actually there.  Our understanding will be restricted to whatever we can remember someone else saying or whatever we can find in history books.

    This week we share our interview with Jim Downing, the oldest living survivor of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.  He’s 103 now!

  • Pearl Harbor Survivor Jim Downing


    Today we have an interview with 103 year old Pearl Harbor survivor, Jim Downing. Jim was born and raised in Missouri. He’s a World War II Veteran and was stationed in Pearl Harbor during the attack. His new book that just came out is called, The Other Side of Infamy.

    Out of the 16 million World War II Vererans, there are only a little over half a million still living today. Soon it will be impossible for us to get to visit with someone who can tell us first hand what it was like. On today’s show, we talk with one of the few survivors left who was stationed in Pearl Harbor during the attack. We owe it to our history to glean a few more gems of wisdom from someone who was there.

  • The Future of Marriage – Stephen Baskerville


    Although there is no governmental solution to make people stay together, there are better ways to keep the government from making things worse!

    On our show today we talk with a public policy expert who can navigate through the murky waters and bring some clarity to this debate.

    Today our guest is Stephen Baskerville. He is a professor of Government and Director of the International Politics and Policy program at Patrick Henry College. He is also the managing editor of the International Journal of Religious Freedom.

  • The Future of Marriage

    This is a picture of me with Dr.Stephen Baskerville at the Eagle Forum Conference.   In addition to all of his other credentials, he's also on the board of directors for the Center for Marriage Policy
    This is a picture of me with Dr.Stephen Baskerville at the Eagle Forum Conference. In addition to all of his other credentials, he’s also on the board of directors for the Center for Marriage Policy

    It’s easy to be happy during the holidays, but it’s not the happiest time of the year for everyone.  Some people have a hard time around the holidays because of the instability in the relationships surrounding them.  Broken relationships and broken marriages affect many more people than just the two parties involved.

    There is no governmental solution to make people stay together.  However, the government offers perverse incentives for single parenthood.  Additionally, the government has the power to put additional harm on people who are already in difficult situations.  We are at the point where the government has its tentacles in every part of our lives.

  • We’re Thankful!

    From our house to yours, we hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    With Thanksgiving right around the corner it’s important for us to reflect on what we want the thank the Lord for this year.

    Here’s my list:

    1.)  I thank God we are still the most free and prosperous Nation in the world.  Because our prosperity is coupled with our love for one another, we share not only with our neighbors, but we are still the most generous benefactor to the world.

  • What Happened?

    A little while ago, Dana Loesch and I were both getting ready to speak at a rally.   It always helps to process politics with others to broaden our perspective.

    A little while ago, Dana Loesch and I were both getting ready to speak at a rally.  It always helps to process politics with others to broaden our perspective.

    After 15 hours of working at the polls, I was pleasantly awakened late Tuesday night by a friend, Marie Lasater, who called to tell me she just beat a 20 year incumbent to win her election as County Coroner.  What a week of surprises!  Here are a few takeaways:

    1.)  Don’t believe polls.  The only poll that counts is the one taken on election day when the ballots are counted.

    2.)  Although both Hillary and her VP running mate blamed a part of her loss on her being a woman, don’t believe that for one minute.  Plenty of women, myself included, have run and won as women.  It’s not her gender that cost her the election.  It was her policies, e-mail and Benghazi scandals and condemnation of those who are on the middle to right end of the political spectrum.

  • Post-Election Analysis with Rory Riddler


    Today we have political analyst and professional campaign consultant, Rory Riddler. Rory is one of the smartest political commentators in the Country and has been in the trenches helping many candidates from local government up to Congressional races. He is also a highly respected Democrat and offers us a unique perspective on what happened in our Country in this last presidential election.

    The big slogan we’ve heard for months is “Make America Great Again!” But how do we make America great?

    On our show today you’re going to hear the deeper political secrets from one of the best political consultants in the Country about why Hillary’s campaign failed, why Donald’s campaign succeeded and predictions for what’s going to happen in these next four years.

  • Taking America Back – One Family At a Time

    One thing is for sure…the family will go on!  Pictured from L to R:  Our Fifth child, Amanda and her husband, David, Our First child, John with his wife, Emily and four children, my parents, Marylin and Gordon Gosh, me, Bernie, Our Sixth child, Susanna, Our Seventh child, Philip, Our Fourth child, Matthew, Our Second child, Ben with his wife and five children.  Not pictured is our third child, Cathryn, who is working on a masters degree in Kansas.

    Every election is an opportunity to exert our influence, yet one thing is sure…regardless of the outcome, the earth will continue to spin, most people will wake up and will go to school and work, the banks and the stock market will still be open and we will be able to listen to the TV and radio once again without having to hear all those annoying and adversarial political ads.

    If you voted for a candidate whose number 1 priority is to protect and defend the Constitution, and can honestly say, “so help me, God”, you did your part to make a difference.  If you voted against giving more of your neighbor’s hard earned dollars to governmental bureaucracies, you made a difference.  If you voted for more personal responsibility and less socialism, you made a difference.  We may not be able to control the outcome, but we can have some satisfaction from knowing we engaged in the battle.  

  • Israel Wayne – Taking America Back One Family At a Time


    You don’t have to throw the baby out with the bath water!

    On today’s show we help you understand what’s involved with full time parenting and where our culture is heading.

    We’re about to help you learn what we can do to take America back…one family at a time.

    Our guest is Author, Speaker and Director of Family Renewal, Israel Wayne. I have enjoyed reading his works for years. For more information, go to his website: www.familyrenewal.org