This is a picture of our friends, Peter Gemma and Rand Paul at the Inaugural Ball in Washington, D.C. 1.) I’m happy we didn’t get Hillary, although she looked very pretty at the inauguration. Yet, even if she had won, our side would not have rioted, smashing windows, setting fires, breaking things and hurting people. That was insane!
2.) About that “Women’s March” thing: It appeared to be all about bitter, vulgar, anti-life, pro-Sharia Law, pro-sexual perversion Hillary supporters. Some of them even referred to themselves as “nasty”.
A better name would be the “Left-Wing Female March” because the women marching in Washington DC do not represent me. Nor do they represent most American women. The majority of the women I know are ladies, are kind, gentle and do not use foul language or demand the right to kill their unborn babies. They should be happy their mothers didn’t feel that way!
The Divine Intruder
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On today’s show we talk about Nazi Germany and the role the church is supposed to play in the battle with the culture. Most importantly, we discuss what you can do to make a difference.
Today we interview James Edwards from Spokane Washington. Dr. Edwards is a Bruner-Welch Professor Emeritus of Theology at Whitworth University. He specializes in the Reformation, the Holocaust, and the German Church Struggle in the 20th century.
Pitching a Fit
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Parenting can be exasperating. People get angry… And Life is filled with surprises, especially when you have little people involved.
If you’ve ever gotten angry, we’ve got a show for you!
On today’s edition of Home Front, we share how you can have a happy family despite having to get along with other people. You’ll hear the secret sauce that makes harmony and unity even when circumstances test your endurance.
Today we’re talking with Israel Wayne about his recent book he wrote with his wife, Brook, called, Pitchin a fit.
Israel is an Author and Conference Speaker, and Director of Family Renewal.
Pitchin’ A Fit!
This is a picture of our “Girls Night Out”. Daughter- Cathryn; Sister – Cathy; Mother – Marylin; Niece – Elizabeth; Daughter – Amanda; Daughter – Susanna and me when we went out to dinner for my birthday. When I first was elected, there was nothing illegal about lobbyists picking up the bill for a meal with a legislator. Dinner table conversations allow for exchanges of ideas. Now Missouri lawmakers are working at a feverish pace to outlaw lobbyists from paying for a dinner with a legislator. Sometimes the news can be irritating. This week was no exception. The Missouri Speaker of the House said his first priority was “Ethics Reform”.
From Dean Dohrman’s newsletter:
“House Bill 60 is meant to help restore the public’s trust in elected officials by limiting the influence of lobbyists. As the sponsor said about the bill, “We are trying to eliminate the undue influence of lobbyists on legislators in the building. That is the individually, personally consumable gifts from lobbyists to legislators. These are the one-on-one dinners; these are the press boxes at sporting events in the state. That’s what we’re trying to limit.”
The End of Obamacare
This is a picture of me with my brother, Jeff, who has taught me much about healthcare, governmental intervention and insurance issues. The lesson learned by this Obamacare experiment is that government can mess up free markets. So many people blindly embrace the notion that the government can fix all our problems.
However, on the positive side, our healthcare systems are still salvageable. Like a wilted houseplant, the roots are alive and can come back if we adjust our policies to allow our free markets to return.
The End of Obamacare
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The old expression is, “if you want to get out of the rat race, you have to let go of the cheese.” In this case, it’s moldy cheese. So, if you’re confused about all you’re hearing about the repeal of Obamacare, today we explain how you can let go of the cheese and end up in better shape.
On this episode of Home Front, we discuss the repeal of Obamacare with Abigail Nobel. Abigail understands both the medical and political aspects of of this issue, having worked many years in the healthcare profession and holding both a Bachelor of Science in nursing and a Master of Arts in politics. Abigail is currently a public speaker, health policy nurse consultant and publishes articles on health related matters at her website, Dewdrops of Health.
Culture War
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Today we bring you Jonathon Van Maren. Jonathon lives in Canada and recently published his book, Culture War. He’s also a columnist, radio host and speaker.
It’s time for your wake up call. If you’re wondering if there’s a culture war going on, you need to listen to our show today. We discuss the harm caused by pornography, euthanasia and some of the political differences between Canada and the United States.
For more information, go to: thebridgehead.ca
The Kids Are Not Okay
Our Christmas Eve celebration was an intimate family time with five of our children who could join us. Pictured from Left to Right, back row: Cathryn, Me, Bernie, Susanna, Amanda with her baby, Joey and our Son-In-Law, David. Front Row: Philip, Archer (the Border Collie) and Matthew. The two oldest boys were in Washington and Alaska, so they had good excuses for not joining us this year. Now that we’re into a new year, a lot of people are wondering where we are headed with a new President in the Whitehouse. Some people speculate things will turn around, but I have found plenty of examples of cultural degeneration already impacting our society.
California recently passed a law decriminalizing child prostitution. Here is an article straight from a California State Legislator. He says this:
“Immunity from arrest means law enforcement can’t interfere with minors engaging in prostitution — which translates into bigger and better cash flow for the pimps. Simply put, more time on the street and less time in jail means more money for pimps, and more victims for them to exploit…. allowing our law enforcement officers to pick these minors up and get them away from their pimps and into custody is a dramatically better solution than making it legal for them to sell themselves for sex.”
Is Santa Claus Real? With Bill Federer
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On our show today we discuss if Santa Claus is real, how and why people started believing in him and what difference it made. You’ll get to enjoy a conversation with one of America’s foremost historians! Today we interview William J. Federer. He is a nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to researching America’s noble heritage. He does the American Minute and has authored many books including America’s God and County and many more.
A Christmas Message from Cynthia
From the Davis Family to your family, we wish you a Merry Christmas! For some of you the holidays are the most wonderful time of the year. For others this is the worst time of the year. For me, I’m just grateful we have another year.
The lyrics to this song, I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day, were written by a man who’s wife died when her dress caught on fire and his son was just shot in the Civil War. My spouse is still living and my son made it back from the war safely. No matter how bad things may seem, other than Job, our circumstances could always be worse.