Scott Roberts – Worldviews
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Have you ever wondered why some people are so ignorant about certain issues? It’s been said that Theology drives Philosophy. Agreement starts with having a common understanding of life. On our show today, we discuss what’s wrong with Socialism and what the church is supposed to be doing. You’re going to hear about what is accomplished by going to a foreign country on a Missions trip, and how we can address poverty apart from growing government bigger and how to know the truth.
Today we have Scott Roberts. Scott is from Bellingham, Washington where he pastors Hope in Christ Church.
A good political dialogue is healthy, but we must abhor name-calling and hatefulness.
Donald Trump has turned into a pleasant surprise. At the beginning of his campaign, he started out being an irreverent, worldly, inexperienced, crass, sharp-mouthed candidate. By the time he won the election, many people were just happy he saved us from Hillary Clinton. So far, he has turned out to be the most Pro-American, Christian, pro-free-market and honest president we’ve had in this Country since Ronald Reagan.
On top of that, when is the last time you heard the first lady lead thousands of people in praying “The Lord’s Prayer”? Clearly, whether you like his personality or not, we can’t deny he has done more for our Country than most others who have occupied the White House. With this act, she has earned more honor than most first ladies we have seen.
From the White House to the World – Ginny Brant
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On our show today you’ll be encouraged to hear how things that look bad can end up being good. Our guest shares some little known stories from the White House during the Watergate era. We also discuss cancer and what you can do to survive and overcome.
Today we talk with Ginny Dent Brant. Ginny comes to us from South Carolina and is the author of a book on politics called, Finding True Freedom: From the White House to the World.
The Story of Reality with Greg Koukl
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On our show today we have a conversation with one of the Country’s top experts on worldview. We discuss what’s wrong with our vocabulary, insights on the University of California at Berkley and why social justice is a mis-nomer.
Today we have Greg Koukl. We discuss his newest book, The Story of Reality. Greg is also the founder and president of Stand to Reason and is an adjunct professor of Christian apologetics at Biola University.
Fake News
My mom called me to say she just watched BBC World News. She said it was so refreshing getting to watch something other than “Trump bashing” every night.
I don’t watch much TV, but I don’t have any appetite to watch more of the childish antics of sore losers. Perhaps I’m too young to remember a time when we had more disunity in our Country, but it appears that we have hit a low point.
My mom is 86 years old. She’s read the newspaper nearly every day for her entire life (Boston Globe or St. Louis Post-Dispatch). She told me how refreshing it is to just hear the facts and not have the reporters tell her how she should think and feel about the facts. She wants to be free to make up her own mind—as we all should.
Constitutional Issues with Rep. Matt Shea
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On our show today we talk about what it means to be Constitutional, what happens inside state legislatures, the Johnson Amendment, what churches are supposed to do.
As an added bonus, you’ll get to hear what we should think of the next US Supreme Court nominee.
Instead of doing the 501 c 3, try looking into the 508 c 1 a.
Today we interview Representative Matt Shea. Matt is from the Washington State Legislature and has just been elected to be the Chairman of the Republican Caucus.
Why Be Constitutional?
A few months ago, I made a trip to Spokane, Washington. While there, I happened upon a yard sign for Matt Shea, so we took a picture. The Constitution is designed to protect our Country “to insure domestic tranquility and provide for the common defense“. It is Constitutional for our government to define the rules on who comes here from other countries.
We need to show compassion and pity for our pastors, given the confusing times upon us. For years they were told to stay out of politics because it would cost them their tax exempt status. Most of them were quiet and offered no guidance about political issues. That was a bad idea because their passivism eroded away our religious freedom.
Then the pendulum started swinging the other way. Under the Obama administration, pastors felt the first signs of religious oppression and faced real loss of religious freedom because of their silence. They were encouraged to try to guide their congregations on political matters. Some did it well. Others have been manipulated into serving the agenda of the left.
The Family Table – Ted Cunningham
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We’ve heard a lot of people say, “Make America Great Again”, but what is it going to take to make America great again?
Well, it starts with us. It starts with making the family great again and that will be the beginning of getting a better Country. On today’s show, we talk about how we got where we are today and give you some ideas of what you can do to make things better.
For more information, go to woodhills.org
Come to the Family Table
This is a picture of me with a lot of great friends. There is something to be said about sweet fellowship with like-minded people around the table. Do any of you remember the show from the 1960s called, Petticoat Junction? In the episode we watched recently,everyone went into the parlor after dinner to sing. It’s hard to imagine what life would be like without modern electronics, but families used to find plenty of ways to have fun without the internet, video games, cell phones, tablets, laptops and other various electronic amusements.
Mental illness, loneliness, depression and addictions have only increased as we’ve become busier and less connected to one another. Happiness and a sense of belonging start at home. As a society, we have collectively forgotten some of the most important and enjoyable parts of life.
Travel Ban
I hope we can all agree that we should have a ban on terrorists because they are a safety threat. We need to find a better way to keep the bad actors out of our Country before more people get hurt.
The President of the United States can legitimately use the power of the executive order to enforce existing laws. Some folks think executive orders are bad, but that’s because Obama attempted to use this process to legislate. The President cannot make new laws, but he is supposed to execute laws already passed by Congress. Obama selectively enforced laws he liked and refused to enforce laws with which he disagreed.
The only objections to Trump’s new policy revolve around two questions: