Trip to the Capitol
We think we are sending to Washington DC our best and our brightest. Yet, we may have moments of wondering how some of the other elected officials were able to get elected.
The US Supreme Court confirmation is not the same as holding an election among the Senators. The Justices are nominated by the President of the United States. The Senators are required to vote on the President’s nominee. If the nominee exhibits “good behavior”, there is no reason to vote against a nominee.
Some senators are acting like the confirmation vote is a way for them to obstruct until the President nominates someone who fits a personal ideology. It’s a given that the President will nominate a justice who is philosophically sympathetic to his party. The Supreme Court is supposed to be non-partisan, but in all practicality, they reflect the President who nominated them.
Lord, Have Mercy!
We’ve all heard plenty about Missouri’s passing a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program. Our State is the only one left that hasn’t fallen for more big brother involvement in our prescription drugs. So far, this bill has only passed the House and still has to clear the Senate.
The selling point behind it is that it will stop people from having easy access to prescription drugs because a database will send off alarms if someone gets too many prescriptions from too many different doctors.
Surprise! The 49 states that already have prescription drug monitoring still have drug abuse!
Help and Hope for Moms on Their Last Nerve – Ellen Miller
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Have things ever gone so good or so bad that all you can do is to say “Lord, Have Mercy?”
Today we share some thoughts on how to understand your life no matter what gets thrown at you next!
Today we interview Ellen Miller. Ellen is the author of the One Year Book of Inspiration for Girlfriends. She is a former corporate officer for a Fortune 500 company and today we’re going to be talking about her latest book, Lord Have Mercy.
Constitutional Expert Herb Titus
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Today we have Constitutional scholar, Herb Titus. Herb is a lawyer, a writer and a former Vice-Presidential Candidate from 1996.
Are you wondering how much evolution has affected our political and judicial culture today?
Did you know the Declaration of Independence is really just a very long prayer?
We get into the waste of big governmental bureaucracies and bad judges, the executive order by the president of the United States that was overturned by a Seattle judge, and the evolution of law.
How much is the lie of evolution affecting our political and judicial culture today?
How does Donald Trump stack up on the Constitutional measuring stick?
It looks like nearly everyone is happy! Now that the Obamacare replacement bill was removed from the House agenda, both sides of the political spectrum feel rescued from a bad bill. Democrats thought it would diminish Obamacare. Republicans thought it was too much like Obamacare. This is a classic example of how “governing from the middle” can be a total flop.
The fact that no vote was officially taken means the Republicans lacked the numbers for it to pass and they didn’t want to humiliate themselves. However, we can still see how the members were likely to vote because The New York Times printed a whip list for us to examine.
If the government would get out of the healthcare industry, the prices would lower themselves. The bill Paul Ryan promoted failed to incorporate the reforms necessary for healthcare costs to deflate. It retained the main driver behind the price escalation—the insurance mandates.
Parenting Advice – John Rosemond
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Parenting isn’t for cowards. Whether you have children or not, we can better understand our culture by understanding what parents are doing to raise their children today.
On our show, you’ll hear from one of the best child psychologists in the Country about how things changed from the 1960s, homework, chores, parental rights and electronics. You’ll even learn how to be a better spouse.
Today we interview John Rosemond. John Rosemond is family psychologist, nationally-syndicated columnist, and author. He lives in North Carolina and comes to us today to share with us some gems from his article on why children should not be the most important thing in the family.
Next Election
After spending nearly nine years as an elected official in O’Fallon, there are several pictures of me on the walls of the O’Fallon City Hall. Some people think the Federal or State Governments are more important than local, but I can assure you that every level is important. The most valuable lessons I learned about government came from my time serving on the Board of Aldermen in the City of O’Fallon.
In two weeks, Missouri will hold local elections. People frequently ask me for advice on whom to support. In general, if you find someone in favor of limited government, you will get someone who is more Constitutional. Also, if you get someone who supports limited government, that person will stand on the side of the taxpayers and usually be Pro-Life.
How much does the government know about you? The Fourth Amendment of the Constitution says we cannot be searched without a search warrant. However, information about us may not be private as we think.
When Donald Trump told Americans he was wire-tapped during the election, he did us all a favor…and we could all be wire-tapped as well! Here is a video where Judge Napolitano explains how it works.
Gary Bauer said this: “Most Americans know we live in a dangerous world and they have been satisfied to let the people charged with keeping us safe do what they have to do. It likely means we would be troubled if we knew everything that was done in the defense of our country.”
Darrell Castle on Wiretapping
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Recently, Donald Trump posted this comment: “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my “wires tapped…”.
Well guess what folks; we might all be on candid camera. How do any of us know if we’re being recorded?
On today’s edition of Home Front, we talk about wiretapping, what the government already can do without a search warrant and the future of Obamacare.
Today we have America’s favorite lawyer, Darrell Castle. Darrell lives in Memphis, Tennessee and serves as a Constitutional scholar extraordinaire. He ran for President of the United States and now is working on making Memphis great again.
It’s Time To Say Something
We don’t talk about it much, but most of you know my husband and I own a Christian bookstore and have been operating it in our community for over 28 years. The largest chain of Christian retailers in the Country is going away and all that’s left are the independently owned or Denominational retailers. So many of you have been asking questions, I’ll attempt to answer your concerns by offering my personal insider’s perspective.
Six reasons the Christian retail industry is struggling: