Financial Expert Doug Tjaden
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On this episode, we interview Doug Tjaden. Doug is an expert on monetary reform and co-leads the public policy group on monetary policy for the statesman project.
Many people find it difficult to understand what’s happening in the financial world. Today, our guest, Doug Tjaden, breaks it down for us into digestible pieces. By the end of the show, you’ll agree that you have a much better understanding of our world, the economy and what you should do to protect yourself in case of an economic collapse.
You can learn more at dougtjaden.com
Scott Bradley – Convention of the States
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Are you confused when you hear people talk about the Convention of the States? If you want to become educated on what it is and why it’s being promoted, you’ll really enjoy our show today.
Today we get to talk with Scott Bradley. Scott has a doctorate in Constitutional Law. He’s an author and ran for vice-president in 2016 and is an expert on all things Constitutional.
This is a longer show than normal, but it’s filled with information you need to know if we want to preserve our nation!
Mother’s Day and the Constitution
The commercial goes, “They go together in the good old USA, baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet.” I’ll add Mother’s Day and the US Constitution to the list.
Some things should never be changed. Many of us share a common angst over the direction our Country is headed. We may be able to agree on the problem, but there is a huge difference in how we approach the cure.
Changing our Constitution won’t fix our struggles and will only make them worse. An effort is underway to alter our Constitution. Those proposing a Convention of the States think if we have different laws it will make our Congress behave better. There are some good people pushing this idea and while they may not expect harm to come, they’re taking a gamble on our future. The most charitable way to treat this issue is to understand the naivete in which the proponents are submerged.
Why Prayer?
Why wait for a natural or man-made disaster? Most of us remember what happened when our Country was attacked on 9/11. People were seeking God, praying and buying American flags. Our bookstore ran out of American Flags and my flag vendors couldn’t restock my store for months!
Churches sent invitations to elected officials asking them to attend services. I remember because I was an elected official at the time and was so honored to be invited and recognized.
We should all pray! On Thursday, the first Thursday in May, people all over the Country get together to pray for our Nation.
National Day of Prayer
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On today’s show we talk about the National Day of Prayer. You’ll hear some thoughts on the benefits of gathering together for community prayer as well as the legality of holding it at your own City Hall.
Today we interview Kathy Morgan, President of the Gateway National Day of Prayer. Do you know why, when and how we have a National Day of Prayer? You’ll get these answers in this episode.
For more information you can go to:
- St. Louis area: http://gatewayndp.net/
- Nationwide National Day of Prayer here: http://www.nationaldayofprayer.org/
Honor Flight
How we treat our veterans says a lot about what we value as a Nation. Regardless of political party or religious affiliation, no one can doubt that we love the blessings of liberty. We live in the freest Country the world has ever known.
To continue enjoying our shared values, we must protect ourselves. That is why having a well supported military capability is a core function of government. I’m so glad I live in this Country where most people understand this.
On Saturday, I took my dad on an Honor Flight. He’s a veteran of both World War II and the Korean War. Thank you for all of you who sent him congratulatory letters. Every act makes a difference!
Jack Barsky – Deep Undercover Spy
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Today we interview a former spy. Some names may have been changed to protect the innocent. You’re going to hear how the KGB selects it’s spys and how they can be hidden in our country in plain sight.
Our guest today, Jack Baskey recently wrote a book called “Deep Undercover“. In it he tells his story about what it was like to be a spy for the KGB. You’ll enjoy hearing about his secret life and tangled allegiances.
Bill Lussenheide —We Win!
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Do you think we’re more divided today than ever before?
On our show today, you’re going to learn about what’s happening with our economy and what direction the world is heading. We explain what’s happening with Obamacare, the military, and why we’re going to win.
Be prepared to come away with a new perspective on our political direction.
Today we have political scientist and economist, Bill Lussenheide. Bill comes to us from the Temecula Valley, California. He’s been a registered investment advisor and ran for Congress in 2010 against Sonny Bono’s wife.
We Can Win!
At a meeting I attended last night, one of the speakers gave us a legislative update. The speaker told us all the statistics of how many pro-life people are in our State government. Perhaps she was expecting us to applaud.
Then she explained how very little was being done to move any pro-life bills. She said the legislature usually waits until the last week to pass the pro-life bills. As much as I wanted to get up and tell them what’s really happening, I just sat back quietly thinking about how easily people can be manipulated.
Darrell Castle – Supreme Court
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Our guest is Darrell Castle, Constitution Party Presidential nominee in 2016. Darrell is the premier legal expert on all things Constitutional.
On our show today, we explain how the senate makes decisions on who to confirm, what’s happening around the world and how to navigate through the potholes of government.
You will leave with a fresh perspective to give you hope and encouragement on how to understand the events in the world taking place today.