• US Senate Candidate, Austin Petersen


    All candidates like answering questions.  And if they don’t, they shouldn’t be candidates.

    On our show today we give you a glimpse into what makes a candidate tick.  You can learn a lot about a candidate by asking simple questions about his life, philosophy and thoughts.  You’re going to enjoy this show.

    Today we get to talk with Austin Petersen.  Austin ran for the nomination for President of the United States in 2016 on the Libertarian Party and is currently running for the  Republican nomination to the US Senate in Missouri.  Welcome Austin!

  • Words and Deeds

    Our Daughter graduated from High School this week.  Six kids down and one more to go!


    Personal integrity is the only way our Country can work.  Companies make location decisions based on the quality of the workforce available.  The quality of the workforce has to do with the work ethic they possess.  It’s all about integrity.

    What is the value of a word?  People used to buy real estate on just a handshake.  That standard isn’t recognized anymore.  A handshake means nothing in a court of law.  Yet, there is hope for the future if we want to reclaim the values that made our Nation strong.

  • Charles Causey – Words and Deeds


    We’ve seen a lot of elected officials shame themselves when their words and deeds don’t match up.  On today’s show, we hear from a military man about the importance of fighting the terrorists in our personal lives that are destroying us from within.

    On this episode, we interview Charles Causey.  Charles Causey is a recipient of the Bronze Star for his military service in Iraq. He is the author of several books, including the one we’re talking about today, Words and Deeds.  He formerly served at the Pentagon as a senior army chaplain for the chief of chaplains, and is currently stationed at Fort Dix, New Jersey, as garrison chaplain.

  • Trade Partnerships

    Most of you know I own a retail business, Back To Basics Christian Store in the Mid Rivers Mall. Whenever it is possible, we like to order our stock from American manufacturers. This is a picture of me with my husband and Joe Knutson, President of P. Graham Dunn at the factory in Dalton, Ohio where the Amish make a lot of our inventory.


    The idea of trade sounds good on the surface.  We all like to have neighbors and trade our stuff for theirs.  Specialization propelled our prosperity.

    However, now many trade deals have shipped our most productive jobs overseas and thereby, sent some of our prosperity away.   Some of these trades further enrich and prop up hostile foreign dictatorships.

    There is a moral component to where we direct our finances.  Is that what we want to do with our money?

    Some people are trying to tear down our historic monuments because we don’t want anything that could remind us of the era when our Country allowed slavery.  Yet we support slavery when it comes to slaves from other countries, particularly China, making goods for us to buy at cheap prices.

  • Alex Newman – Trade Agreements


    On our show today we help you understand what’s happening with trade agreements, China and how to navigate toward right policies for this Country.  You’ll come away with a fresh perspective on freedom versus globalism.

    We interview Alex Newman.  Alex is an expert on economics, finance, banking, business, and politics and is a frequent contributor to the New American magazine.  In addition to his own consulting firm, Alex has worked in market research, marketing, strategy, research, information gathering and consulting for international companies, non-profit organizations and various political campaigns. He is also the co-author of a book exposing some of the problems with today’s public education system.

  • Spread Too Thin


    “Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at something that doesn’t really matter.”  Have you ever wondered if what you’re doing makes a difference?

    On today’s show, we help you look at what you’re doing and how you can spend it on what really matters.

    Today we have wife, mother and author, Ellen Miller.  She recently wrote a book on being Spread Too Thin – Opting out of Frantic living  Opting into Lasting Peace.  Boy, don’t we all need that !

  • Spread Too Thin

    Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms out there!  This is a picture of us with all of our children in chronological order.  Talk about being spread thin!  Some things we never will give up.


    Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of success at doing something that doesn’t really matter.

    So many good activists and patriots are exhausted by living in a state of frantic living instead of enjoying abundant lives.  If the Devil can’t make you bad, he’ll make you busy—too busy to be any good for others.  Ultimately, we will feel starved and unfulfilled in our lives.

    We all know we should do something to make the world a better place, but what happens when we’re spread too thin?  The answer is not to lop off everything, but to take time to stay refreshed with what brings meaning and joy in our lives. 

  • National Day Of Prayer

    What are you doing for the National Day of Prayer?


    The theme for this year is “Unity”.  I love that idea and know that God loves that idea as well.  Racism is not a skin problem.  It’s a sin problem.  It is very beautiful and Nationally defining when we have desire to come together and ask God for help.

    Don’t let yourself be discouraged about our current condition.  Your attendance is not for others as much as it is a statement about trusting God to listen and act.  Why not take our problems and requests to the One who can change things and speak to Him as a group?

  • Gun Owners of America

    This is a picture of me with talk show host, Laura Ingraham. Laura went through a brutal media lynching for making a comment about David Hogg, outspoken high school student. We are at a point where talk show hosts can lose their jobs for expressing their opinions. A St. Louis talk show host, Jamie Allman, lost two jobs for making a remark about David Hogg that brought a tidal wave of negative publicity to his station, 97.1 FM.


    Shortly after the last school shooting in Florida, we watched public forums to discuss remedies for school violence.  The wrath of the left-leaning, anti-second amendment activists came down hard on the N.R.A. (National Rifle Association).  Curiously, the Gun Owners of America escaped the fury.  When I asked Larry Pratt, the Executive Director about this, he said it’s because they don’t negotiate.

    You’d think these anti-gun activists would be more interested in attacking the Gun Owners of America, but perhaps they were concerned that their target would be too broad.  Just the name implies a broader base.