• Moms in Prayer


    Have you ever looked at a situation, realized you need to pray and wanted other people to pray with you?

    That’s how a lot of moms feel when they send their children off to school.  Every year presents it’s own set of complications that need to be handled with prayer. And more prayer than just one person.

    On this show, we interview Carla Morgan, head of Moms in Prayer for the State of Missouri.  She explains how to find other moms to join you to shake the floorboards of heaven.

  • Ron Calzone – How to Vote Right


    Today we interview the head of Missouri First, Ron Calzone.    Ron models for us how to fight bad bills even after they’re passed into law.  We share principles to make voting easier and we help you understand the proper role of government.

    As an added bonus, you’ll get to hear about “The letter concerning toleration” and why it’s important to stop voting for the lesser of two evils.  He explains some of the lawsuits he’s filed and how we can have access to our government without being a lawyer or a lobbyist.

    We have reasons to be optimistic!   There is a better way!

  • Voting Wisdom

    A blast from the past.  This is a photo of what we looked like eight years ago at the grand opening of the headquarters.  You might enjoy picking out some people who went on to become larger political figures in St. Charles County.


    Next week many of us will be voting in a primary election.  This is a golden opportunity to get the right people in place for the November election.  So many people stay home in August and then complain about our choices in November, but August is where much of the damage occurs!

    When I was in the legislature, I reminded myself that I would be judged at the end of my life by every thought, word, deed AND EVERY VOTE!

    Here’s my advice:
    Don’t vote for the lesser of two evils.  All that does is guarantee someone evil will win.  Vote for the long term, not just the election before us.  It’s okay to cast a protest vote.  If none of the candidates meet your standards, don’t be afraid to withhold your vote.  

  • Darrell Castle on NATO


    Why was NATO formed?  What do you think about our involvement in NATO and the amount of money we have going into it?

    These are some of the questions you’ll get answered on our show today.

    Today we interview America’s favorite attorney, Darrell Castle.  Darrell ran for President of the Unite States on the Constitution Party ticket in 2016.  He comes to us from Memphis, Tennessee to enlighten us on some of life’s most pressing issues.

  • Children at the Border

    This is my daughter and my newest grandchild at a reception after her baptism.


    There is nothing more precious to us than our children and grandchildren.  Families function on the emotional level.  Governments must function on a pragmatic and principled level.  Governments must define policies as “one size fits all”. 

    If children are being separated from their parents who are attempting to enter this Country illegally, the blame belongs to the parents who did this to their children, presuming those children even belong to those adults.  There has been a 314% INCREASE in adults arriving at the border posing with kids who are not their children! That is not a family, that is child trafficking!   Additionally, although we use the term “children”, many of the teens who arrive without parents are males between 15 – 17.

  • Defenders of the Unborn

    This is a picture of me with my husband and one of my best supporters getting ready to march with the Defenders of the Unborn at the beginning of the Webster Groves 4th of July Parade.  As you can tell, it was a very hot day!


    You would think that after being in dozens of parades for dozens of years, I would enjoy an opportunity to sit this one out, enjoy the air conditioning and relax.  That’s what I was planning to do until someone asked me to lend my support to the life float in the  Webster Groves Parade.  Who wouldn’t want to defend the unborn?

    We are winning this!  It encouraged the spectators to see us come by serving as a conscience for the community.   On our show today we talk with Kristi Hamrick about the Students for Life.  We have many reasons to be optimistic!

  • Supreme Court Nominee

    President Trump nominated Brett M. Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court.  I have heard good reports about Kavanaugh, so it doesn’t bother me that he is a man and has light skin or if he’s a minority.  If he upholds the Constitution, that is the main criteria!

    The role of the US Supreme Court is not to represent the latest political philosophy of the day.  We have elections for that.  The Supreme Court is supposed to hear individual cases through the measuring stick of the US Constitution and render an OPINION as to how the Constitution applies in these circumstances.

    The candidates who win their elections make laws and represent us.  The appointed judges are supposed to represent the law, which includes the Constitution.  We don’t get to appoint our judges, but we can pressure our senators to confirm the appointment.  The timing can’t be better because many senators are up for re-election one month after the confirmation vote is expected.

  • US Senate Candidate Peter Pfeifer


    Peter Pfeifer is a candidate for the US Senate race in Missouri.  What are you looking for in a candidate?    Here in Missouri we have an election right around the corner.  On this show I probe into the people who want to represent us in Washington DC.  I hope you’ll feel like I asked the questions you would have asked if you’d had the opportunity.  You’re about hear more  than the scripted answers from a candidate forum and what’s going on behind the three second sound bites.

  • Marijuana

    Happy Independence Day, everyone!


    Marijuana is becoming a larger part of our society every day, especially as more states declare it to be legal.   Marijuana proponents try to diffuse arguments about the harm to children by claiming it will be for adults only.  Yet, once the marijuana gets into the hands of adults, a percentage of the time it trickles down to children.

    We are now in a perfect storm.  It’s more available, culturally sanctioned and legally approved in more states than ever.   People are getting addicted at earlier ages and it is causing changes to our Country in proportions like we’ve never seen.